Family Leave Fridays!!!
No doubt. I've voted on two contracts and every local election since 2004. That hasn't worked too well in my favor.
If losing the right to vote in elections is the only thing I'm going to lose by opting out, it's really not much of a decision if the 2013 contract is as bad as the last two for part timers in comparison to full timers.
But you can thank the union for your level of pay -- which is unquestionably higher than most other PT jobs hiring those with similar skill sets (e.g. none) -- and no-cost, quality health insurance. Dropping out of the union only gives further leverage to the company & FTers. The FTers don't give two hoots about you; if the company were to offer an economic proposal that included a slight increase in FT pension but elimination of PT benefits, the FTers would overwhelmingly vote in favor of this. And the PTers who dropped out of the union to send a message? Well, at least the company would be listening, right?