Well-Known Member
When they first implemented this I asked my manager how I can safely put the mirror back in place. His answer was "You listen for traffic. You Listen"I never tuck in my mirror. Not sticking my hand out side the truck. EVER! So, I expect that in my write up. I also don't do the DOK till I return to the building. While on OT. otherwise free lunch and a on car who never had to walk that much in their life. Half way thru the day. They get out and stand by the truck. To watch me walk to the door. When they realize how long of a day it will be. With their tailored load the computer thinks is an 8 hr day.
Asked the safety manager the same thing he said to "Lean across the steering wheel and look out" LOL.
I know they don't come up with these things and hopefully they think they are as asinine as we do.