Again.. it has nothing to do with being lazy lol. A lot of people seem to think delivering packages for 8 hours instead of 12 is the driver being lazy. Returning to the building with undelivered freight because it’s dark isn’t being lazy. This job isn’t hard work. And working later into the day isn’t working “harder”. None of its hard work. You drive around at your own pace delivering packages. Doing it for 8 hours isn’t lazy. And doing it for 12 hours isn’t hard work. It all comes down to how much of your life do you want to give the company. The drivers who cut their routes off at 8 hours and head in are the SMARTER employees. Don’t ever let yourself get fooled into thinking this job is hard work.So much damage has been done that I don't think that the culture can ever be changed to focus on service anything like it used to be. We still have RESPONSE packages that are left in the building every day and not attempted. Most of them. And we have couriers that regularly bring packages back unattempted because it is dark, or they are poorly trained or just lazy. And I see nothing being done to improve things. And the good, seasoned, couriers are leaving in record numbers. Yes, I am one of them.