Sarah Palin at Tea party convention...cheating!


Well-Known Member
Not looking to get into a pissing match with you on this one --it is only my opinion --does not mean it is right --I would much prefer a person to speak directly to me from his head and his heart --written word by word read speeches does not cut it ------a very formal affair --state of the union --fine --use all necessary technology --but please everytime you converse with me ---talk to me directly -not through your speech writers.
diesel --you are right --I am a little old fashioned --but I am not attacking President Obama on the Teleprompter ----I just think at times he would be more --in touch --with us --if he just spoke to us !!:peaceful:


Well-Known Member

And speaking of those democrats concerned about the neo-con takeover of their messiah and church, I wonder how long before they call for his political crucification for gross violation of a major commandment?

Seems some folks are awakening to the same reality that many learned about the republican party over the last several decades. Between the 2 paleo awakenings, this means an erosion of political numbers on both sides of the same rotten "neo" coin.


Well-Known Member

No matter how many clips you can try to find, you will never SURPASS the biggest in american politics at the podium.

Here he is, in case you have a short memory.

Glad ya brought up W. Here is a clip from the first year of Bush and one from the first year of Obama. I'm thinking since there have been so many gaffes from Obama during his first year he should at the very least keep us entertained for the next three years.




Well-Known Member
It never seizes to amaze me how fast The Repub(lie)can hate mongers come out when the Dems have a President in power and yet there own President used the 911 tragedy to attack a nation that had nothing to do with it. Who knows how much damage this President has done if we ever need our allies again and he has created way more terrorists than he has killed not to mention his buddy Bin Laden is still alive and planning more attacks. We even had him cornered in Bora bora and he was allowed to slip away. Yeah, Obama is such an Idiot. get a clue.


Well-Known Member
It never seizes to amaze me how fast The Repub(lie)can hate mongers come out when the Dems have a President in power and yet there own President used the 911 tragedy to attack a nation that had nothing to do with it. Who knows how much damage this President has done if we ever need our allies again and he has created way more terrorists than he has killed not to mention his buddy Bin Laden is still alive and planning more attacks. We even had him cornered in Bora bora and he was allowed to slip away. Yeah, Obama is such an Idiot. get a clue.

I don't think he slipped away at all. I know if they had me cornered in Bora Bora, I'd be happy as a peach!

Sorry Unionman, I know what you meant but couldn't resist the fun on this one either!


Well-Known Member
I don't think he slipped away at all. I know if they had me cornered in Bora Bora, I'd be happy as a peach!

Sorry Unionman, I know what you meant but couldn't resist the fun on this one either!
That video of Bush working the people, using the terrorist attacks to get his own agenda done was in my eyes beyond comprehension. he played on everybody's heart strings including congress to get his war.


Well-Known Member
That video of Bush working the people, using the terrorist attacks to get his own agenda done was in my eyes beyond comprehension. he played on everybody's heart strings including congress to get his war.

I don't argue that but at the same time in all fairness, where were the democrats asking the hard questions? Except for a small hand few throughout Congress and around the nation, Bush got a blank check far and wide. And not that it was a hard sell either. Bush did misuse the situation and our trust, very true but if Bush was doing all that lying, why then is O-Bomb-A still bombing? And even making the war theater bigger?

Sorry my pic of bin Laden (photo shopped obviously) above died out. It just seem to fit with your Bora Bora thingy!


Well-Known Member
I don't argue that but at the same time in all fairness, where were the democrats asking the hard questions? Except for a small hand few throughout Congress and around the nation, Bush got a blank check far and wide. And not that it was a hard sell either. Bush did misuse the situation and our trust, very true but if Bush was doing all that lying, why then is O-Bomb-A still bombing? And even making the war theater bigger?

Sorry my pic of bin Laden (photo shopped obviously) above died out. It just seem to fit with your Bora Bora thingy!
Do you remember how patriotic you and everybody around you felt after 911? That is how Bush got the blank check. That is why we elect our presidents , not only to bring us out of recessions, but to lead the country in times of war. Bush took that and totally abused it.
The war in Iraq is over pretty much, and I believe that Obama will stick to his promise. He is directing the troops after some very lengthy discussions with military advisors. Have you noticed all the drone attacks on the bad guys lately? And hey, the Afghan, Pakistan governments are actually helping us now.
Only time will tell if we can get out of Iraq and finish the war against the real enemy in Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
Do you remember how patriotic you and everybody around you felt after 911? That is how Bush got the blank check. That is why we elect our presidents (as in voting for?) , not only to bring us out of recessions, but to lead the country in times of war. Bush took that and totally abused it.
The war in Iraq is over pretty much, and I believe that Obama will stick to his promise. He is directing the troops after some very lengthy discussions with military advisors. Have you noticed all the drone attacks on the bad guys lately? And hey, the Afghan, Pakistan governments are actually helping us now.
Only time will tell if we can get out of Iraq and finish the war against the real enemy in Afghanistan.

Interesting assumptions!


Well-Known Member
Majority wins, its what makes this country great. Its a good thing when a POS like John Edwards gets exposed. Can you imagine if he had been elected President?


Well-Known Member
Majority wins, its what makes this country great. Its a good thing when a POS like John Edwards gets exposed. Can you imagine if he had been elected President?

Sure can, just look at what we got right now and it'd be about the same give or take a few things. Same could be said if McCain had won. This is another reason so much of the Bush policies are still in play.

Oh, one thing would be different, Elizabeth would be "Standing by her man" as a soul sellout to be first lady! May be cold, cruel and even downright evil to say but it's still true!


Well-Known Member
It never seizes to amaze me how fast The Repub(lie)can hate mongers come out when the Dems have a President in power . We even had him cornered in Bora bora and he was allowed to slip away. Yeah, Obama is such an Idiot..

I cannot speak for anyone else but I do not hate the man. He provides lot's of entertainment as a gaffe machine. Everyone has a role.

Oh who is the We that had him cornered and also who allowed the slip away? I'm fairly confident that there was not anyone that was "allowed" to slip away.

I'm guessing that you voted for Obama but why since you think he is an idiot. Just because he does not even know how many states are in our union or constantly lies does not make him an idiot.


Youtube is an awesome tool. This is a nicely done video that contrasts overembellished media love fest with reality.
