Well-Known Member
Not looking to get into a pissing match with you on this one --it is only my opinion --does not mean it is right --I would much prefer a person to speak directly to me from his head and his heart --written word by word read speeches does not cut it ------a very formal affair --state of the union --fine --use all necessary technology --but please everytime you converse with me ---talk to me directly -not through your speech writers.
diesel --you are right --I am a little old fashioned --but I am not attacking President Obama on the Teleprompter ----I just think at times he would be more --in touch --with us --if he just spoke to us !!
Not looking to get into a pissing match with you on this one --it is only my opinion --does not mean it is right --I would much prefer a person to speak directly to me from his head and his heart --written word by word read speeches does not cut it ------a very formal affair --state of the union --fine --use all necessary technology --but please everytime you converse with me ---talk to me directly -not through your speech writers.
diesel --you are right --I am a little old fashioned --but I am not attacking President Obama on the Teleprompter ----I just think at times he would be more --in touch --with us --if he just spoke to us !!