Sarah Palin at Tea party convention...cheating!


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters this afternoon that President Obama will sign a bill raising the debt ceiling .

The legislation will raise the government's debt limit $1.9 trillion, to $14.3 trillion.

the ultimate slap in the face would be some pork tacked onto that bill.


Well-Known Member
Can "Nameless Republican" get on the ballot in all 50 states? If so, Obama could see some tough campaigning ahead. And why not Glenn Beck? Is there a limit to the number of Fox News comentators allowed in an election?

Why not Beck? Do you even listen to his show? He's no fan of the Republican Party. He only gets lumped into that bunch by libs because he doesnt play the ball game right


Staff member
Why not Beck? Do you even listen to his show? He's no fan of the Republican Party. He only gets lumped into that bunch by libs because he doesnt play the ball game right
I'm fine with Beck as the Republican (or any other party nominee) for president. In fact I think if his fans are so convinced by his political message they should demand his nomination or at least have him vet candidates to make sure the pass the "Beck Test". I can see it now, "Mr. Jones, why is it I've never seen you cry during the National Anthem? Do you not love your country? It just strikes the core of my being that so many of our young men and women, our sons and daughters, die on the battlefields in foreign wars and...excuse me a moment...(sigh, sniff)...and our leaders and prospective leaders don't even shed a tear at the sight of the stars and stripes (sniff). lapel pin? Mr Jones, your candidacy is over."

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I'm fine with Beck as the Republican (or any other party nominee) for president. In fact I think if his fans are so convinced by his political message they should demand his nomination or at least have him vet candidates to make sure the pass the "Beck Test". I can see it now, "Mr. Jones, why is it I've never seen you cry during the National Anthem? Do you not love your country? It just strikes the core of my being that so many of our young men and women, our sons and daughters, die on the battlefields in foreign wars and...excuse me a moment...(sigh, sniff)...and our leaders and prospective leaders don't even shed a tear at the sight of the stars and stripes (sniff). lapel pin? Mr Jones, your candidacy is over."

Is that Van Jones your refering to? :wink2:


Staff member
I hope it's not me!

"Mr Jones, do you not love your country? Will you not serve your country? When your nation cries out, a voice in the wilderness looking for direction, a child searching for a mentor, a bridegroom searching out his wife, will you not answer? Will you not cry out with love and honor, 'Here I am!'?" Again, Mr Jones I ask you, do you not love your country, our country, this the...(sniff)...(sniff)...greatest nation the world has ever known? And if you love this nation, Mr. Jones, is it too much to ask for your service in the time honored tradition of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Limbaugh, and Hannity to lead in humility and by example? No, Mr. Jones. It is not too much to ask.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
"Do you not love the State? Will you not serve the State? When the State cries out, a voice in the wilderness looking for direction, a child searching for a mentor, a bridegroom searching out his wife, will you not answer? Will you not cry out with love and honor, 'Here I am!'?" Again, I ask you, do you not love the State, our State, this the...(sniff)...(sniff)...greatest State the world has ever known? And if you love the State, is it too much to ask for your service in the time honored tradition of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Limbaugh, and Hannity to lead in humility and by example? No, It is not too much to ask."

Wonder how those questions will get answered now?



Senior Member
Fill in the blank, this will be their campaign pledge.

My name is--------------------------
and I want to be your leader.
To dream ... the impossible dream ...
To fight ... the unbeatable foe ...
To bear ... with unbearable sorrow ...
To run ... where the brave dare not go ...
To right ... the unrightable wrong ...
To love ... pure and chaste from afar ...
To try ... when your arms are too weary ...
To reach ... the unreachable star ...

This is my quest, to follow that star ...
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far ...
To fight for the right, without question or pause ...
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause ...

And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest ...
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach ... the unreachable star ...

Each of us holds our own Quixotic ideals.
Hold your lance tight when you confront the vaporous windmills of politicians promises.


Senior Member
How could you ruin a beautiful song by applying it to politics ??? !!
Impossible to ruin that songs message.
Politicians use-( and misuse )- a basic formulaic approach.
They pander to the base core values that the majority of us hold as dear and lasting.
My sarcasm was pointed at the falseness of political rethoric.
Truth be told, I am always deeply moved when I hear that song.


Impossible to ruin that songs message.
Politicians use-( and misuse )- a basic formulaic approach.
They pander to the base core values that the majority of us hold as dear and lasting.
My sarcasm was pointed at the falseness of political rethoric.
Truth be told, I am always deeply moved when I hear that song.

Ok, you liked the song. Since many artists have done that song, is there a particular artist's version of that song that you can recommend ? Andy Williams' version? Elvis' version? Or the one done by Zorba the greek?:happy2:



golden ticket member
This is a nice version....



golden ticket member
TOS, the originator of this thread, thinks Sarah Palin was can't cheat at your own speech, even if you write notes on your knees and shins!

You want cheating? Look at Fienstein during an official gubenatorial debate where notes were not allowed....

So, is TOS Jeanine Garafalo ????


TOS, the originator of this thread, thinks Sarah Palin was can't cheat at your own speech, even if you write notes on your knees and shins!

You want cheating? Look at Fienstein during an official gubenatorial debate where notes were not allowed....

So, is TOS Jeanine Garafalo ????

More, first I really liked that Jim Nabors version of that song. As for Palin, the problem I got is that for someone who is considered an intellectual lightweight(whether that perception is true or not) don't you think she should have not done something that if caught(which was), would only serve to further nourish that perception?


Well-Known Member
. As for Palin, the problem I got is that for someone who is considered an intellectual lightweight(whether that perception is true or not) don't you think she should have not done something that if caught(which was), would only serve to further nourish that perception?

Or since people are sick of these professional politicians things like this and the complaints from the left only serve to build her core support and enforce the perception that she is one of the people and not some elitist.


Or since people are sick of these professional politicians things like this and the complaints from the left only serve to build her core support and enforce the perception that she is one of the people and not some elitist.

I don't know about you but when I had to give an oral presentation in high school, I did have notes in front of me, not written on my hand.


Senior Member
Ok, you liked the song. Since many artists have done that song, is there a particular artist's version of that song that you can recommend ? Andy Williams' version? Elvis' version? Or the one done by Zorba the greek?:happy2:
Willie Nelsons version is great, since you asked so politely.
I can only hope that John Denver and Glenn Campbell never butchered such a fine piece.:nono:


Senior Member
As for Palin, the problem I got is that for someone who is considered an intellectual lightweight(whether that perception is true or not) don't you think she should have not done something that if caught(which was), would only serve to further nourish that perception?

Feinstein was caught black handed-(view post #91 in this thread)-and not criticized.
Your problems with perception aside, all competent public speakers have some form of quick notes.

In High School you used notes, probably the standard 3x5 cards, as did I. Standard practice.
When I took Speech in college, my professor taught to never have notes visible to the audience.
He thought, and taught, that it portrayed a lack of knowledge in the subject matter.
Eye contact was key when speaking to a crowd.
This same professor taught me to write on my palm and instructed how to give hand motions that looked natural, while I checked my notes.
This whole thing is a tempest in a tea pot and all one gets out of it is someone blowing steam.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about you but when I had to give an oral presentation in high school, I did have notes in front of me, not written on my hand.

Like I posted earlier I had always thought it was a female thing(not that males do not write notes on their hands). I saw a woman at the grocery store last weekend with a small shopping list on her hand and thought that you guys would probably call her stupid for it. I got a nice chuckle out of it. Personally I would not be surprised, since Palin is a skilled politician, that this was done on purpose to cause all this fake drama from the left which keeps her looking like one of the commoners. Keeps her base motivated when the elitists tell us she would not be smart enough to run the Country but zero is. I'm not a huge fan of hers but you guys in my opinion are making her into a strong opponent. All I'm saying is you guys should be careful what you ask for as it would not be the first time her opponents have underestimated her.


Willie Nelsons version is great, since you asked so politely.
I can only hope that John Denver and Glenn Campbell never butchered such a fine piece.:nono:

I searched high and low, but alas, I could find no videos of John or Glenn doing the song.
By the way, I like Willie Nelson too.:smart: