Sarah Palin at Tea party convention...cheating!


Well-Known Member
Recent poll shows that 71% of Americans do not think Palin is qualified to be president. I sure hope that this is the best the Republicans can come up with. It should be a cake walk for another 4 years.


Well-Known Member
Recent poll shows that 71% of Americans do not think Palin is qualified to be president. I sure hope that this is the best the Republicans can come up with. It should be a cake walk for another 4 years.

Wow you are saying nearly thirty percent of the nation thinks she is qualified to be president and she is not even running for the office. No wonder you guys seem so scared. I have been wondering what the obsession was and now I'm starting to see the light.


Recent poll shows that 71% of Americans do not think Palin is qualified to be president. I sure hope that this is the best the Republicans can come up with. It should be a cake walk for another 4 years.

thats what I've been trying to tell you. I don't understand why the liberals keep enhancing the career of someone that republicans don't believe will get elected.


Well-Known Member
Wow you are saying nearly thirty percent of the nation thinks she is qualified to be president and she is not even running for the office. No wonder you guys seem so scared. I have been wondering what the obsession was and now I'm starting to see the light.
The obsession is that most of us can't believe that you actually would vote for somebody as dumb and money hungry as Palin but then again you voted big dumb dumb Bush in there didn't you.


Well-Known Member
The obsession is that most of us can't believe that you actually would vote for somebody as dumb and money hungry as Palin but then again you voted big dumb dumb Bush in there didn't you.

You should be able to believe it you voted in someone as dumb and money hungry as zero. You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses. I mean Palin at least knows how many states our country has. It'd be just to easy to continue down that road.

Back to your earlier point. Could you link to a poll taken three years before zero became president asking if he was qualified for the job? My guess would be that he would have gotten far less than the Palin thirty percent. I really have no idea but was thinking that one was probably not even done because he likely wouldn't even have registered on the poll which leads to the obvious question as to why you'd bring this one up. You must be a believer in the polls. In this poll done on Feb. 11 52% of Americans disapprove of the job Obama is doing. In this poll only thirty percent of Americans believe that Obama is taking the country in the right direction. Just a thought but maybe not a good idea to worry about what the polls say.


Staff member
President Barack Obama leads a generic Republican candidate by only 2 percentage points in a potential 2012 matchup, according to a new Gallup Poll out Thursday that also shows a continued drift of independents away from Democrats.

Obama leads 44 percent to 42 percent, a statistical dead heat, against a nameless Republican

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The problem comes in when the nameless Republican becomes Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal, or Glenn Beck. Then, the country quickly realizes how good they have it with Obama.


Well-Known Member
The problem comes in when the nameless Republican becomes Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal, or Glenn Beck. Then, the country quickly realizes how good they have it with Obama.

Glenn Beck? Glenn Beck? What was that for, pure effect?

Obama leads 44 percent to 42 percent, a statistical dead heat, against a nameless Republican

Sounds like the American voter would just rather vote for "The Nameless Republican!"


Staff member
Glenn Beck? Glenn Beck? What was that for, pure effect?

Sounds like the American voter would just rather vote for "The Nameless Republican!"
Can "Nameless Republican" get on the ballot in all 50 states? If so, Obama could see some tough campaigning ahead. And why not Glenn Beck? Is there a limit to the number of Fox News comentators allowed in an election?


The problem comes in when the nameless Republican becomes Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal, or Glenn Beck. Then, the country quickly realizes how good they have it with Obama.

If Newt gingrich ran Obama would see what a real god looks like.


Well-Known Member
Can "Nameless Republican" get on the ballot in all 50 states? If so, Obama could see some tough campaigning ahead. And why not Glenn Beck? Is there a limit to the number of Fox News comentators allowed in an election?

I know our state has space for write-ins so I guess you could do that. I voted for Donald Duck for President in 84' so I guess Glenn could run like Donald as he was an imaginary character too!



Well-Known Member
If Newt gingrich ran Obama would see what a real god looks like.

then again he would see what a candidate with a brain and common sense looks like.

You never cease to amuse us....:rofl: Your the first person I ever heard, refer to Newt as a

Anyway, the only way to get more people jump on the Republican Bandwagon and show to the American voter that your willing to change from the same ole' War Mongering, spending, and tax cut party of "NO", is to tone down your "saber rattling", drop the abortion issue, participate in getting Healthcare reform past, and introduce legislation that benefits minorities and gay civil rights......


Staff member
You never cease to amuse us....:rofl: Your the first person I ever heard, refer to Newt as a

Anyway, the only way to get more people jump on the Republican Bandwagon and show to the American voter that your willing to change from the same ole' War Mongering, spending, and tax cut party of "NO", is to tone down your "saber rattling", drop the abortion issue, participate in getting Healthcare reform past, and introduce legislation that benefits minorities and gay civil rights......
But that would make them all Democrats voting for Obama.


You never cease to amuse us....:rofl: Your the first person I ever heard, refer to Newt as a

Likewise I find your efforts to speak for "us" hilarious.

Anyway, the only way to get more people jump on the Republican Bandwagon and show to the American voter that your willing to change from the same ole' War Mongering, spending, and tax cut party of "NO", is to tone down your "saber rattling", drop the abortion issue, participate in getting Healthcare reform past, and introduce legislation that benefits minorities and gay civil rights......

Participate in what? The republicans participated in a jobs bill and Reid pulled the plug on it.


Strength through joy
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters this afternoon that President Obama will sign a bill raising the debt ceiling .

The legislation will raise the government's debt limit $1.9 trillion, to $14.3 trillion.