Reality ? Facts ? The Marine Barracks bombing? Under slick Willy, oh OK, thx for educating us Island....

Slick Willy let Somalians drag our dead soldiers through the streets....Thats a pretty friend'ed up thing to say about our President. That's like saying George Bush intentionally let over 3000 New Yorkers die one Fall day in 2001. Are you some kind of a conspriacy theorist?
BTW..every once in a while a rt winger has to be reminded of the blame game on Clinton. In your case Island, you mimmick Chris Wallace in this interview....
YouTube- President Clinton Fights Back
wkmac, is right...your starting to sound like another poster here who has been awol lately, and that poster made it a point that he was so much more educated than everyone who disagreed with him, but then again that sounds like most other one track minded conservative posters....