Unlike most "Liberals" I can accept being corrected on part of a post --an unintentional error --but I am sure that you realize that Americans and Marines died in the Embassy bombing in 98.
Also you and wkmac make me smile. You are both so "original"
Gee diesel you must pass those Liberal Talking points on to the left --because I know I have not heard them before ?????
Also--I will agee with you on something else --All our Presidents deserve respect from us. Only being human it is easy to be goaded into doing or saying the wrong thing. After eight years of total disrespect toward President Bush ---It is hard to listen to how perfect President Clinton was and now --how President Obama can do no wrong!!
Gee --I hope wkmac does not read that last sentence!!!!
Someone has to balance out yester-year's rt wing folklore stories in BC. It's hilarious how some here seemed to have just waken up from a coma, and blame ALL our problems on Obama, Clinton, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, the 2006' 110th Dem' majority congress, etc... In typical fashion, the GOP (and those embarrassingly formerly known as Rep) always need to drum up a mfg'ed targets to deflect attention from their own serious defecientcies.
As far as Clinton, his foriegn policy was like his women, he got in, and he got out. Ironically,Rep's made sure none of this lingering around crap trying to rearrange and set parameters at his mistress's house. But domestically we can apprieciate his fiscal honesty or trickery, but as a dwindling middle-class union guy, I will criticize him for NAFTA. So no, Clinton is not perfect, and I will say again, "Who would you have rather followed as President, Clinton or Bush ? Who knows, maybe you could have prevented 9/11....
Clinton changed the mission in somalia from a humanitarian one to a more militaristic one. Once he did he should have reinforced the light infantry we had with some heavy duty armor instead of our relying on the resources of other nations.Instead he stripped troop levels from 25000 to 4000 and then committed those troops in the middle of a civil war. As a result the mission in MOG was a classic example of his failure to support his troops in favor of political considerations. Our troops went into MOG to extract bad guys. When they went in the plan had to be to get in and out quickly. There was no back up plan with such limited resources to committ. Once a couple of helicopters went down the plan was screwed. We had no heavy armor to rescue the guys and had to wait on a foriegn nation( Pakistan?) to move their resources many hours later. This is one of many clinton failures leading up to 9/11. In reality Clinton should have been charged with manslaughter for his indirect murder of troops in Somalia.
Nobody deserves a free pass, regardless of how flawed the plan was, ironically Rep's advocated a cut and run policy while Clinton advocated finishing the mission.
Furthermore, if you suggest our failure in Somalia is a direct cause of Clinton, why not include his Rep controlled Congress. Why not ? You have this obsession of blaming the Dem majority Congress of 2006 for everything esle. Why not hold his Military advisors , Sec of Def, CIA and FBI operatives responsible for failing as well. Why not charge those listed above guilty with the inability of confirming that Bin Laden’s group was directly involved at the request of eliminating them at crucial and vulnerable times?
But, we know that the real instigator of Bin Laden declaring war on the United States was when we placed American soldiers in his beloved holy-land, Saudi Arabia. He had planned many attacks against us because of our actions in 1990-91 in Saudi Arabia.
While our failure in Somalia only strengthened his hand, it was not at the heart of Bin Laden’s drive for 9/11. The real instigator was our presence in Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, we don’t seem to be talking anymore about something that happened back in the 80s, in regards to terrorism. In 1983, America and France took part in a peacekeeping mission in Lebanon. Hezbollah did not appreciate our presence there, and surprise, they did something about it. They rammed a truck into a barracks where US Marines were sleeping. They killed 241 United States Marines, our elite forces, in their sleep.
What was Reagan’s response? He called it despicable, and vowed we would not leave. He did not strike back at terrorists. And within five months, he pulled the troops out.
What do you think went through the minds of Hezbollah and others who did not like the United States?
If they kill American soldiers, America would cut and run. Yet Republicans today don’t criticize Reagan’s obvious cut and run in the face of the worst terrorist attack on America to that point. Why not?
There is a reason why we’re at war today. That is because America has failed in the past,

slap:did I say America failed ? I must be unpatriotic) by both Republican and Democratic leaders. Don’t blame one without blaming the other. Bush jr did sit idly by in his first 8 months in office. His response when brought the famous August 2001 memo about Bin Laden wanting to attack America is, “okay, you’ve covered your ass.”
I find it shameful of Republicans blaming Democrats for being attacked when both parties have plenty of blame to go around. Espescially the right wing side. People say they want unity, but then practice tactics that divide our nation. You call anyone who doesn’t agree to your methods terrorist lovers. You demand answers from Democrats, but when they give answers, you dismiss them, because they do not coincide with your answers. The only answer is lets get out of the Middle East ASAP. (And Island, this isn't liberal talking points, it's history)