Sarah Palin--Disagree must you Destroy ?


Well-Known Member
You know Diesel you "blue staters" go out of your way to find the most illiterate person in attendance at a "red stater" event to then flaunt as representing the entire conservative movement. Well those dumb arse "red staters" can certainly punch a hole in a voting record. And as far as I know not a single "red stater" has tried to blame the "blue staters" for their own voting stupidity. You floridians should probably create a bingo style card for those morons you have in that state. :happy-very:

Its bad enough they tried to vote for the ultimate maroon Al Gore but then they couldn't figure out how to punch a hole and thats supposed to be my fault.:happy-very:

Why open up a can of worms with the most powerful voting block of the state, in the form of Century Village, Leisureville, and all those condo commanders from Boca to Miami Beach. These wiley old Vets that your dissing consist of war heros, Holacaust survivors, to movers and shakers that made America great....

I'm sorry I didn't realize that commenting on a states inability to master the simple task of punching a hole in paper was considered hateful. My you liberals are sensitive.

Its a shame Obama does not have a chaney around to tell him to stop bowing to everyone.

It's not just paper, as so loosely described by Tie, but creating a hanging chad on a perferated punch card seems alot more likely, and alot less disturbing, then to shooting your friend in the face!


It's not just paper, as so loosely described by Tie, but creating a hanging chad on a perferated punch card seems alot more likely, and alot less disturbing, then to shooting your friend in the face!

My god could you even begin to imagine what would happen if you gave a hanging chadidian a gun? No thanks you guys keep working at that chad thing.And stay away from those bus stops when you're driving.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
My god could you even begin to imagine what would happen if you gave a hanging chadidian a gun? No thanks you guys keep working at that chad thing.And stay away from those bus stops when you're driving.:happy-very:

They have worked on it. In 2004, they installed Diebold electronic voting machines. Mfg'd by a Republican tycoon known to have donated $$ mucho dinero to the RNC. and we all knew how 2004 ended up....


Well-Known Member
They have worked on it. In 2004, they installed Diebold electronic voting machines. Mfg'd by a Republican tycoon known to have donated $$ mucho dinero to the RNC. and we all knew how 2004 ended up....

That was the same year liberals let dead people vote.


In Washington state felons and dead people actually voted in 2004. Some people even voted twice.

Baltimore too. The liberals also round up all the homeless people on schoolbuses feed em and bus em to the polls and tell them who to vote for.
Though I'm proud to say our homeless people were able to vote without hanging any chads.:)

The liberals laid the ground work for this type of dishonesty by working towards the elimination of ID checks at the polls.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The liberals laid the ground work for this type of dishonesty by working towards the elimination of ID checks at the polls.

In my state, its the Democrats who fought our photo ID laws at the polling places. Their arguement was that poor people couldn't get ID cards, even though they were offered for free.


Well-Known Member
Palin has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the National Tea Party Convention next month.

This was also a front and center topic on CNN last night with Anderson Cooper interviewing Ron Paul.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
She is the kryptonite to the liberal mentality. Socialists froth at the mouth at the very mention of her name. She is the very symbol of the conservative movement. Someone who stands for freedom, individuality, and life. Everything the liberals/socialists despise.
That's right, us liberals hate life, freedom and individuality. We also hate our families, our environment, education, and any form of dignity.

Us socialist morons just want the world to be a miserable place, where everyone is poor except for a few oil and defense barons. Oh wait, there I was thinking about Republicans, sorry...

Your moronic avatar and foolish posts serve to tell everyone on this site that you are extremely ignorant.

I froth at the mouth about Sarah Palin because she is a complete and utter buffoon, just as ignorant as you. And the fact that there is even a small minority of people in this country that drink her kool aid is so very, very depressing.

The same people who love Palin are the ones who would have been in favor of segregation and slavery decades ago. A socialist USA would be far more successful than a country run by someone as ignorant as her.

People who subscribe to liberal and socialist ideologies such as myself despise Palin because she represents the extreme end of the absolute worst elements of so-called "conservatism."


That's right, us liberals hate life, freedom and individuality. We also hate our families, our environment, education, and any form of dignity.

Us socialist morons just want the world to be a miserable place, where everyone is poor except for a few oil and defense barons.

I think we should thank Blue for having the courage to admit to these faults. :happy-very:


Staff member
I don't suppose Ms. Palin would care to run for School Mom Dominatrix in Chief, would she? See, I'm open minded. I could vote for her.


Staff member
Which makes me wonder; If Sarah Palin looked like Karen Hughes would she have the huge following? How 'bout if she looked like Anne Coulter?


Which makes me wonder; If Sarah Palin looked like Karen Hughes would she have the huge following? How 'bout if she looked like Anne Coulter?

Absolutely. The problem with Palin is she speaks common english. Its a language that the people understand while it baffles the liberals. :happy-very: