Sarah Palin--Disagree must you Destroy ?


BTW...Have you seen some of the physique's and pigmy faced Teabaggers at their rally's....I thought I was witnessing a 2009 version of an all white Star War's bar scene....:happy-very:.

tell us which tea party you went to so we can compare notes to what you believe happened. Reason I ask is because you're displaying what has become a common media tactic. When the liberal press goes to these rallies they ignore the many fine blue collar americans in attendance. Instead they try to find the one or two nuts that show up and then interview and display them as teabaggers.


Staff member
Your origins and heritage do tend to garner more attention as president.
Many conservatives are dissapointed that Obama won't let us adequately celebrate his birth in Kenya. :happy-very:
I hereby give you and all other conservatives permission to fly to Kenya and celebrate his birth. Your welcome. Now go.:happy2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The Geritol references was unfair, and a hero he was indeed,(although he did wreck alot of expensive jets and his grades were low) however, his awful VP selection, his mis-refences where Joe Liberman had to whisper in his ear, his perception of being out of touch to the younger generation, plus his lack of understanding "todays" high tech communication and processing tools, added to his Grandpa enigma...

BaBA...he should of called
Wow theres hope for us yet, I think this is the second time we have sorta agreed:happy2:


Well-Known Member

  • The Wilding of Sarah Palin
    By Robin of Berkeley
    When I was in college, I read a book that changed my life. It was Susan Brownmiller's tome, Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, which explained rape as an act of power instead of just lust. What I found particularly chilling was the chapter on war -- how rape is used to terrorize a population and destroy the enemy's spirit.

    While edifying, the book magnified the vulnerability I already felt as a female. Fear of rape became a constant dread, and I sought a solution that would help shield me from danger.

    The answer: seek safe harbor within the Democratic Party. I even became an activist for feminist causes, including violence against women. Liberalism would protect me from the big, bad conservatives who wished me harm.

    Like for most feminists, it was a no-brainer for me to become a Democrat. Liberal men, not conservatives, were the ones devoted to women's issues. They marched at my side in support of abortion rights. They were enthusiastic about women succeeding in the workplace.

    As time went on, I had many experiences that should have made me rethink my certainty. But I remained nestled in cognitive dissonance -- therapy jargon for not wanting to see what I didn't want to see.

    One clue: the miscreants who were brutalizing me didn't exactly look Reagan-esque. In middle and high schools, they were minority kids enraged about forced busing. On the streets of New York City and Berkeley, they were derelicts and hoodlums.

    Another red flag: while liberal men did indeed hold up those picket signs, they didn't do anything else to protect me. In fact, their social programs enabled bad behavior and bred chaos in urban America. And when I was accosted by thugs, those leftist men were missing in action.

    What else should have tipped me off? Perhaps the fact that so many men in ultra-left Berkeley are sleazebags. Rarely a week goes by that I don't hear stories from my young female clients about middle-aged men preying on them. With the rationale of moral relativism, these creeps feel they can do anything they please.

    What finally woke me up were the utterances of "bitch," "witch," and "monster" toward Hillary Clinton and her supporters early last year. I was shocked into reality: the trash-talk wasn't coming from conservatives, but from male and female liberals.

    I finally beheld what my eyes had refused to see: that leftists are Mr. and Ms. Misogyny. Neither the males nor the females care a whit about women.

    Women are continually sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. If under radical Islam women are enshrouded and stoned and beheaded, so be it.

    My other epiphanies: those ponytailed guys were marching for abortion rights not because they cherished women's reproductive freedom, but to keep women available for free and easy sex.

    And the eagerness for women to make good money? If women work hard, leftist men don't have to.

    Then along came Sarah, and the attacks became particularly heinous. And I realized something even more chilling about the Left. Leftists not only sacrifice and disrespect women, but it's far worse: many are perpetuators.

    The Left's behavior towards Palin is not politics as usual. By their laser-focus on her body and her sexuality, leftists are defiling her.

    They are wilding her. And they do this with the full knowledge and complicity of the White House.

    The Left has declared war on Palin because she threatens their existence. Liberals need women dependent and scared so that women, like blacks, will vote Democrat.

    A strong, self-sufficient woman, Palin eschews liberal protection. Drop her off in the Alaskan bush and she'll survive just fine, thank you very much. Palin doesn't need or want anything from liberals -- not hate crimes legislation that coddles her, and not abortion, which she abhors.

    Palin is a woman of deep and abiding faith. She takes no marching orders from messiah-like wannabes like Obama.

    And so the Left must try to destroy her. And they are doing this in the most malicious of ways: by symbolically raping her.

    Just like a perpetuator, they dehumanize her by objectifying her body. They undress her with their eyes.

    They turn her into a piece of ass.

    Liberals do this by calling her a c__t, ogling her legs, demeaning her with names like "slutty flight attendant" and "Trailer Park Barbie," and exposing her flesh on the cover of Newsweek.

    And from Atlantic Magazine's Andrew Sullivan "Sarah Palin's vagina is the font of all evil in the galaxy."

    Nothing is off-limits, not actress Sandra Bernhard's wish that Palin be gang-raped or the sexualization of Palin's daughters.

    As every woman knows, leering looks, lurid words, and veiled threats are intended to evoke terror. Sexual violence is a form of terrorism.

    The American Left has a long history of defiling people to control and break them. The hard core '60s leftists were masters of guerrilla warfare, like the Symbionese Liberation Army repeatedly raping Patty Hearst. Huey P. Newton sent a male Black Panther to the hospital, bloodied and damaged from a punishment of sodomy.

    The extreme Left still consider themselves warriors, righteous soldiers for their Marxist cause. With Palin, they use sexual violence as part of their military arsenal.

    Palin is not the only intended victim. As Against Our Will described, the brutality is also aimed at men. By forcing men to witness Palin's violation, the Left tries to emasculate conservative men and render them powerless.

    The wilding of any woman is reprehensible. But defiling a mother of five with a babe in her arms, and a grandmother to boot, is particularly obscene. It is, of course, Palin's unapologetic motherhood that fuels the leftist fire.

    Because as a mother and a fertile woman, Palin is as close to the sacred as a person gets. She is not just politically pro-life. Her whole being emanates life, which is a stark contrast to the darkness of the Left, the life-despoilers.

    These "progressives" are so alienated from the sacred that they perceive nothing as sacred. And they will destroy anyone whose goodness shines a mirror on their pathology. The spiritually barren must annihilate the vital and the fertile.

    It has been almost two years since I woke up and broke up with liberalism. During these many months, I've discovered that everything I believed was wrong.

    But the biggest shock of all has been realizing that the Democratic Party is hardly an oasis for women. Now that it has been infiltrated by the hard Left, it's a dangerous place for women, children, and other living things.

    In the wilding of Sarah Palin, the Left shows its true colors. Rather than sheild the vulnerable, leftists will mow down any man, woman, or child who gets in their way. Instead of a movement of hope and change, it is a cauldron of hate.

    From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

    In these dark times, with spiritually bankrupt people at the helm, thank God we have bright lights like Sarah Palin to illuminate the darkness.

    A frequent AT contributor, Robin is a psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley.

    Page Printed from: at November 26, 2009 - 08:22:31 PM EST



Well-Known Member
My last post was not directed at you ----I just found the letter very interesting.
I too enjoy our banter. Peace !!


Staff member
I don't know, I think "Robin of Berkeley" might have a penchant for hyperbole. I read Salon pretty much every day, and I'd say it's definitely a liberal site and possibly the biggest and most influential. They are certainly no fans of Palin, but I've never seen anything remotely resembling the kind of stuff that's in that article. In fact they have several columnists who routinely come to her defense when they feel that criticism of her has become gender based rather than political.
Are there people out there saying and writing some pretty vile stuff about her? Absolutely. But I don't think it's mainstream and nor do I think it's worse than anything I've heard about Obama (and I doubt I've heard the worst of that, as I've never listened to Mike Savage :happy-very:).
It's just politics as usual, such as it's become. Welcome to the USA, 2009 edition.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I think "Robin of Berkeley" might have a penchant for hyperbole. I read Salon pretty much every day, and I'd say it's definitely a liberal site and possibly the biggest and most influential. They are certainly no fans of Palin, but I've never seen anything remotely resembling the kind of stuff that's in that article. In fact they have several columnists who routinely come to her defense when they feel that criticism of her has become gender based rather than political.
Are there people out there saying and writing some pretty vile stuff about her? Absolutely. But I don't think it's mainstream and nor do I think it's worse than anything I've heard about Obama (and I doubt I've heard the worst of that, as I've never listened to Mike Savage :happy-very:).
It's just politics as usual, such as it's become. Welcome to the USA, 2009 edition.

Just one example --there are many --the recent cover page of Newsweek ??? I guess they are not "mainstream" ?
We could go back and forth all nite ---I will agree to disagree --I have not heard anything about Obama's children, his wife,his race nor his sex. I for one am very happy about that. The issues and his actions or lack there of --have been critized.:wink2:


Staff member
Just one example --there are many --the recent cover page of Newsweek ??? I guess they are not "mainstream" ?
We could go back and forth all nite ---I will agree to disagree --I have not heard anything about Obama's children, his wife,his race nor his sex. I for one am very happy about that. The issues and his actions or lack there of --have been critized.:wink2:
I never really understood all the "outrage" about that Newsweek cover, I think it's a nice picture of an attractive and athletic woman that was taken with her approval. My wife goes to work in running shorts all the time and there are no sexual connotations about it. Remember this magazine cover (that's his wife with the gun)? I think it's a lot harsher than the Palin cover (and of course the Obama folk were "outraged"), but I didn't have a problem with it either. Obama and Palin both generate controvery, if they wanted to live quite lives they shouldn't have got into politics.


Well-Known Member
I think she may have felt that she wouldn't be taken as seriously in the running outfit as opposed to more business like attire. I personally liked the picture--she is an attractive woman--but I could see where it may distract from the message she is trying to convey.


Staff member
Great post Island fox, Wow.
And I always thought the newsweek thing backfired as she looked great.
I don't think it backfired at all. She was supposed to look great, that was one of the points the accompanying article was making. Plus it sold a lot of magazines, which is a good thing from Newsweek's perspective and probably the thing that they are most concerned about at the end of the day.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I don't think it backfired at all. She was supposed to look great, that was one of the points the accompanying article was making. Plus it sold a lot of magazines, which is a good thing from Newsweek's perspective and probably the thing that they are most concerned about at the end of the day.
I think it backfired as it was meant to make her look like a dufus.


Well-Known Member

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, look what the pollsters just brought in.
A pair of new surveys revealing that President Obama is still declining and has hit a new low in job approval among Americans just 56 weeks after they elected him with a decided margin.
And -- wait for it -- Republican Sarah Palin is successfully selling a whole lot more than books out there on the road. Even among those not lining up in 10-degree weather to catch a glimpse of pretty much the only political celebrity the GOP has these days.
First, el jefe. Facing double-digit unemployment, rising spending, deficits and Afghan war casualties plus a keystone but stalled healthcare reform effort that caused a rare Sunday presidential visit to Capitol Hill, Obama recently fell below 50% job approval for the first time.
Then, last week's deft dance of rhetoric over sending reinforcements to Afghanistan but, on the other foot, bringing them home quickly maybe gave him a brief boost. That, however, collapsed with equal rapidity.
Obama's new Gallup Poll job approval number is 47%. Last month it was 53%.
Regular Ticket readers will recall how in this space in late November we pointed out that Obama's closely watched job approval slide was coinciding with Palin's little-noticed rise in favorability. And it appeared they might cross somewhere in the 40s.
Well, ex-Sen. Obama, meet ex-Gov. Palin.
The new CNN/Opinion Research Poll shows Palin now at 46% favorable, just one point below her fellow basketball fan.



Thanks for highlighting the continued attack on Palin by the press. The latest tactic of course is to interview the folks standing in line and ask a bunch of bogus questions. At this point Palin is not a declared candidate for president and therefore has not provided the public with any type of platform on any issue. The guy doing the video knows this but that does not stop him from setting up the interviews in an effort to make the interviewees look stupid. What would be great would be to see someone in the line beat the liberal ******* in the ground for trying these shenannigans. It would provide the jerk with at least one beating he was denied and desperately needed as a child.


Staff member
Thanks for highlighting the continued attack on Palin by the press. The latest tactic of course is to interview the folks standing in line and ask a bunch of bogus questions. At this point Palin is not a declared candidate for president and therefore has not provided the public with any type of platform on any issue. The guy doing the video knows this but that does not stop him from setting up the interviews in an effort to make the interviewees look stupid. What would be great would be to see someone in the line beat the liberal ******* in the ground for trying these shenannigans. It would provide the jerk with at least one beating he was denied and desperately needed as a child.
It would have been even funnier if they had been able to give good, thoughtful answers to his questions, that really would have showed him!