Well-Known Member
It would have been even funnier if they had been able to give good, thoughtful answers to his questions, that really would have showed him!
You seem to have a good point there!! It would have not only been nice to hear --but imagine someday a politician that lives up to their word.
OBAMA --"No politics as usual --no special interests groups"
Obama---"Transparency --c-span will telecast the health care open debate"
Obama--"No bill will be signed by me unless the American public has a chance to read the legislation"
Obama--"No Pork in any bill I will sign"
Obama--Most traveled president in first year --even uses Air force one to go on a NY Date with his wife ---tells me not to drive my suv ???
Obama --appoints a general to run what he declared --the"right" war --leaves our troops at risk --the most deaths since the war began --while he waits three months to make a decision ????
Obama --Almost one year later cries about Bush and what he inherited.
Obama --Tarp rushed through ??? As Senator Obama pushed for it --as President elect implored Bush to push it through ???
Obama --cried about all social programs passed during Bush Administration --as Senator --He voted for them
Obama "Pass stimulous unemployment will not go above 8% ??? Has a "job Summit" eleven months later to get "ideas"?????
Sarah Palin ----A person that both "elite" Ivy league snobs Republican and Democrat look down there nose at.
Sarah Palin --a woman who ran a city, a state,took on the Republican old boy network in Alaska as well as the Oil companies.
Knows how to run a family budget as well as a government budget.
It would be truly refreshing to finally have a President that will keep their word to the American people--in other words an honest person !!!!