And he's doing it wasting his money on worthless government programs.
I agree Tie, why spend money on Americans when we can spend it on ****es, Sunis, and Kurds...
<---tank u berry much, would you like a slurpee ?
Just think we went through multiple recessions and depressions and yet never had our credit rating threatened until Obama took office.
More like Bush's liberal TARP policy and Obama's stimulus recovery act is saving us from another Great Depression of the new millenium.
When he's not pissing away the tax money from the 82 percent that are still working he's traveling abroad and bowing in servitude towards lesser leaders.
At least he's not sucking face and holding hands strolling thru flowery gardens with those leaders who's country bred the 9/11 attackers, an happily purchasing first class tickets for Ben Ladin's family to exit, stage right.
The funny thing is the unionman probably wants someone frugal with balls representing him at the hall just not as president.
What's funnier is management wants someone with a hugh pair representing UPS during contract negotiations...but when it comes to a President, mgr's like Tie, prefer someone dumb as a rock who they can manipulate and make believe their smart...
For her its the right move. She needs time to prepare. She needs time to overcome the negativity she earned running for vice president.She'll speak out on issues from time to time like she did yesterday on the climategate issues. She'll find reasons to go out and press the flesh like she is doing on the book tour. She can't say that because she has not declared herself a candidate.
Like she knows something about the climate, flunking out of 4/5 colleges and settling on a sports casting gig...OOh look Todd, it's snowing, I get to wear my "I'm a Patriot sweatshirt" and aww shucks, we can't see Russia from our house today...
I may be but even I drew the line when it came time to vote for Obama.
Just think Oslo gave him an award that he did not earn. How does he thank them? He goes there and makes a pro war speech that totally counters the intent of the award.
I'm not making this up, Obama just keeps feeding me this kind of priceless stupidity.
FYI Tie, most nobel peace prize recipients don't give feeble award winning speeches, they give lectures, as was done yesterday...funny how this speech had appeal to neo-cons...
There is no higher job to run for and no one to bow to.
She did the right thing for the voters of Alaska who would not have gotten her undivided attention. I got a feeling she'll still win that state if she runs for president.
Quitting....The right patriotic...
Many, many people have more respect for politicians that have the "courage" to step down from a position rather than collect the salary and benefits while you run for another job. --what a joke. I guess if the Ups CEO wanted to travel around for a year or two campaigning for another CEO job somewhere you would say that is the HONEST thing to do ???? While he was paid by UPS ?
Also all the petty lawsuits that were being filed by the left were a huge expense to the people of Alaska and certainly were a distraction to Sarah Palin.Obama, Clinton, McCain etc should be ashamed collect 150,000+ per year while not doing the job
Today I am not ashamed to say that President Obama gave a great speech in OSLO ---is it so difficult to see and acknowledge there were excellent and honorable reasons why Governor Palin passed the reigns ??
Can you sugarcoat a failed governership any sweeter ? "Many people", is certainly not the majority what so ever. If by "many people" you mean by rural, small bible belt towns gullible enough to buy her book and persona, than be our guest. But don't pass it along like it's set in stone.
BTW...Palin, does not deserve the title of ex-governer of Alaska, more like halfass Gov.