Sarah Palin Says Independence Day Is For Remembering When Jesus Led The Revolution


Well-Known Member
Instead of you just posting links that don't back your scenarios, why don't you:
#1 post the link
#2 say in your own words, what the important points of that link are.
What scenario is that? I'm merely pointing out that if in your eyes Iraq and Afghanistan are justified by 9/11 then so would Saudi Arabia.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Did you miss the part where the majority of the hijackers were from saudi arabia with funding from members of the royal family ?

Or maybe you think the hijackers were from iraq?

I cant wait to hear your answer.

Where did his post say anything about funding from the Saudi royal family?

And if they did fund them, who's to say that they weren't funding them for the sole purpose of becoming pilots. You think Saudi Arabia needed some pilots?
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Well-Known Member
Did you miss the part where the majority of the hijackers were from saudi arabia with funding from members of the royal family ?

Or maybe you think the hijackers were from iraq?

I cant wait to hear your answer.


You were asked a very simple question and you made the choice to be evasive. Why?

I can wait to read your answer.


Well-Known Member
Don't you mean Clinton's logic? Both Clintons were for it.
Sorry, try again. It was Bush and Cheney's idea to invade Iraq and lie about the reasons. Bush ultimately had the decision to invade Iraq or put those resources to finding Bin Laden and securing our borders. Guess which one he chose?


nowhere special
Sorry, try again. It was Bush and Cheney's idea to invade Iraq and lie about the reasons. Bush ultimately had the decision to invade Iraq or put those resources to finding Bin Laden and securing our borders. Guess which one he chose?

Sorry, but Clinton was before it even earlier.

10 point

Well-Known Member
And yet Bush had 7 years to find him. Short memories indeed. Where was he found? Oh yea in Pakistan.
Why would he remain in Afghanistan when we're bombing his camps and caves into oblivion?

He's not a martyr or he'd have gotten on one of those jets with the other terrorists.

He was a coward.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Sorry, try again. It was Bush and Cheney's idea to invade Iraq and lie about the reasons. Bush ultimately had the decision to invade Iraq or put those resources to finding Bin Laden and securing our borders. Guess which one he chose?
Bush alone?
With congressional approval.

And with Collins Powell's support at the onset...showing aerial photos of convoys hauling "things" to Syria.

Clinton tried to bomb him with cruise missiles when he was Pres. and that wasn't on Saudi turf.