Sarah Palin Says Independence Day Is For Remembering When Jesus Led The Revolution


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
For all my "SPECIAL NEEDS" friends, P.O.S., 728, ImwaitingfortheDay and Drive in drive out.
In case you missed the subtle point of my last post, or you just couldn't figure it out if you had to to save your life, Sarah Palin is calling for the immediate impeachment of Barrack Obama for a host of reasons. Reasons like failing to secure our borders. Even while knowing that we have been invaded,and are still being invaded, he has taken zero steps to secure our national borders.
And here is another little tidbit of info that this lady, whom you all have no respect for what so ever, is calling for. She wants anyone, (Republicans) fired in the upcoming elections that do not immediately call for and totally support immediate impeachment of the POTUS.
This is getting really interesting real fast.
Not bad for a DUMB BIMBO, wouldn't you say?


golden ticket member
Regarding the "securing the border" part.................... if he had plugged the hole earlier, he wouldn't need the $$$$ to fix the deluge now !!


All Trash No Trailer
For all my "SPECIAL NEEDS" friends, P.O.S., 728, ImwaitingfortheDay and Drive in drive out.
In case you missed the subtle point of my last post, or you just couldn't figure it out if you had to to save your life, Sarah Palin is calling for the immediate impeachment of Barrack Obama for a host of reasons. Reasons like failing to secure our borders. Even while knowing that we have been invaded,and are still being invaded, he has taken zero steps to secure our national borders.
And here is another little tidbit of info that this lady, whom you all have no respect for what so ever, is calling for. She wants anyone, (Republicans) fired in the upcoming elections that do not immediately call for and totally support immediate impeachment of the POTUS.
This is getting really interesting real fast.
Not bad for a DUMB BIMBO, wouldn't you say?
Maybe she is just upset Obama didnt Self Impeach himself halfway through his term as she did. I am very surprised anyone other than Fox News or Briebart even pays any attention to this less than intellectual individual.
This individual is a paid political whore of the Koch Bros and it will be a very good day when they tire of her.
These "tirades' are nothing more than the equivalent of throwing raw red meat to the Tea party supporters


All Trash No Trailer
Does she even know what the articles of impeachment are? What are the specific charges? Where is the evidence and what are the grounds for such proceedings? This has to be the best comedy routine ever! Every time she even utters a word she shows her complete ignorance and stupidity


All Trash No Trailer
Regarding the "securing the border" part.................... if he had plugged the hole earlier, he wouldn't need the $$$$ to fix the deluge now !!
He is following the laws regarding immigration the Republicans drew up and Dubya signed into law. <shrug> if he follows the law the right pisses and moans,and if he didnt follow it the Right would try and Crucify him


That’s Craptacular
Does she even know what the articles of impeachment are? What are the specific charges? Where is the evidence and what are the grounds for such proceedings? This has to be the best comedy routine ever! Every time she even utters a word she shows her complete ignorance and stupidity


Its all good.
If you should like to start a thread debating the qualifications of Hillary Clinton becoming president i'll be more than happy to respond as in my opinion she is an educated woman(and By GOD there aint much more the Republicans hate/fear more than that!) who is far more qualified than than anyone the Republicans can field
Hilary is certainly well educated. And had she been nominated in 2008, I would likely have voted for her, as she seemed to be the least of the three evils.

But from her performance over the past few years, I would never vote for her for anything. She is totally unworthy of my trust. And that's the bottom line, can we trust the people we elect to do the right thing, instead of playing political games that benefit only themselves. I sincerely believe she doesn't give a damn about anyone other than herself, much like Bill. She will throw you, me, and anyone else under the bus if she sees the slightest advantage.

Just my opinion.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Well-Known Member
Regarding the "securing the border" part.................... if he had plugged the hole earlier, he wouldn't need the $$$$ to fix the deluge now !!
George Bush had seven years to secure our borders but instead he decided to start two wars spending$ trillions and never win.


golden ticket member
He is following the laws regarding immigration the Republicans drew up and Dubya signed into law. <shrug> if he follows the law the right pisses and moans,and if he didnt follow it the Right would try and Crucify him
What became of deporting people who are here ILLEGALLY ??


golden ticket member
My comment was to the Geo. Bush comment by sph.....This thread isn't about Bush. your post slipped in the middle ......

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For all my "SPECIAL NEEDS" friends, P.O.S., 728, ImwaitingfortheDay and Drive in drive out.
In case you missed the subtle point of my last post, or you just couldn't figure it out if you had to to save your life, Sarah Palin is calling for the immediate impeachment of Barrack Obama for a host of reasons. Reasons like failing to secure our borders. Even while knowing that we have been invaded,and are still being invaded, he has taken zero steps to secure our national borders.
And here is another little tidbit of info that this lady, whom you all have no respect for what so ever, is calling for. She wants anyone, (Republicans) fired in the upcoming elections that do not immediately call for and totally support immediate impeachment of the POTUS.
This is getting really interesting real fast.
Not bad for a DUMB BIMBO, wouldn't you say?

Getting interesting??? To who? The dumbest 1% of the country?

This woman is a paid flamethrower who speaks to the dumbest 1% of this country. Those are the ears that she is vying for. Its easy to pick the pockets of those dumb enough to listen to this windbag.

Sarah Palin will still be the reason the republicans continue to lose elections.

Here you have this windbag calling for the impeachment of a sitting president, yet, when she was governor of Alaska, she herself was facing dozens of ethics charges and possibly being impeached herself. Fortunately for her, she quit instead.

Now she is the expert on running the country??

