Saturday Air Grievance

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
In my building all PT Air drivers, both bid and exception, are lumped together for the purpose of extra or Saturday work. Art. 22.3 Air drivers are guaranteed 8 hours of work between Air driving and their pre load or hub job. After that seniority prevails for extra work.


Well-Known Member
thx, thought of 1 more question. if a P/T air bid is posted and I sign and win bid (36 years seniority),do I go to the air list and slot in where my seniority allows?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I think you are asking if you take your PT seniority with you to a bid PT Air Driver job. Yes, but you may have to go through a partial progression to top Air rate. Depends on how much air work you have done the previous 2 years. Read Art. 40 Sec 6 (2). Why do you want to take a huge cut in pay? Easier work load?


Well-Known Member
I have been an air driver since ups started premium service in ND,i am the first air driver in state, top scale now. yes, a pay cut (from 33.69 to 26.14) but correct, much easier work.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I thought you were a pre loader. $33.69 is top package car driver rate where I am. Top pre load pay is $33.15 and yes $26.14 for air. Car wash is unskilled so I make $32.10 when ever I show up for an hour or two. Get enough time in driving during the day to skip the car wash.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
So pre loaders and drivers make the same rate? I also am in the Midwest and you can see our pre loaders make $.54/hr less. Except there are no top PTers left on the pre load. A few on the Day sort and couple on Twi.


Well-Known Member
yes, just 2 of us left at the old contract rate on preload (out of about 40 total). we also have 2 on twi-light sort that are 33.69 old contract people.


Well-Known Member
in ND (local 638),"old contract" P/T's are same scale as friend/T I recall, progression was same for friend/T and P/T" back in the day"

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Started in 1977. Don't think we called it progression. Don't remember if it was 30 days or 60 days to top rate. I know it was a lot better than now.


Well-Known Member
by the way, where are you, if you don't mind me asking? also, are you a college FB fan? if so, watch espn gameday tomorrow, show here in fargo for second straight year. cool as hell !!