Saturday's causing pay issues


Inordinately Right
Sorry I didn't explain it very well. A PT cover driver is a PT employee that covers routes on a weekly basis. Because of Saturdays many cover drivers are driving year round. So think of them as fulltime drivers just make less money. The PT cover drivers that came from twilight are all having pay check problems. The preload cover drivers are not.
Whats the pay issue though?
It seems like maybe you're saying they work their hub shift on Monday, and then T-S as pt cover.... so they're shorting them 6th punch straight OT on Saturday or what?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The PT cover drivers that came from twilight are all having pay check problems. The preload cover drivers are not.

Interesting. When I was a preloader and seasonal cover driver it was just a matter of punching in as a 4C (8 hour guarantee) or 3C (pay actual). Same as how 06/05 works for FT drivers.


IE boogeyman
Their schedule is T-S and they are driving the whole time. They drive fulltime hours but are technically still classified as PT employees.
you mention they are twilight, are they coded under the inside hub sort?

depending on whether they work inside or not i could see issues with HFCS not talking to payroll the right way

it's something silly but i wouldn't be able to tell for sure without looking at their gts profiles


Well-Known Member
Hours tracker app on iPhone. Greatest app ever. Let's you input your hourly pay. Keeps track of everything. Even has a place for daily notes to keep track of anything unusual that happens for those morning office scoldings.


Well-Known Member
Whats the pay issue though?
It seems like maybe you're saying they work their hub shift on Monday, and then T-S as pt cover.... so they're shorting them 6th punch straight OT on Saturday or what?

They never work their twilight shift. Think of them as drivers. They driver like a FT driver T-S. From what I'm being told the system is screwing up. It either screws up their hours or pay rate and sometimes both.

The problem is management knows that it's screwed up but say there is nothing they can do. So every week they are paid wrong.

I'm just looking for anything that might help with this. These guys shouldn't have to constantly deal with their pay checks being wrong. It shouldn't take 3 months to fix this problem.


Well-Known Member
you mention they are twilight, are they coded under the inside hub sort?

depending on whether they work inside or not i could see issues with HFCS not talking to payroll the right way

it's something silly but i wouldn't be able to tell for sure without looking at their gts profiles

I have been told they are "homed" to twilight. They never work inside the building. The issue seems to be with working Saturdays.