Well-Known Member
How about cutting some of the redundant, useless supervisors and safety people ? The ones who are just along for the ride, in positions that require no skill set ? The people who are put aside so they don't damage operations? Instead of focusing on getting more "production" out of people, who don't actually produce any product?
I see at least 20 or 30 supervisors who provide nothing at all to the company, but are "in" because we work in a giant hub and someone, somewhere deemed it was more effective to have these pointless positions held, than hire another worker to DO the work (which we can't seem to keep)
The company has been trimming costs in management ranks for years. Reductions through district consolidations and other reorganization as well as restructuring benefits packages to reduce cost. Examples of benefit restructuring - way back when management got the same health package hourlies did - it was changed to shift some of the cost onto the employee. The defined benefit pension was eliminated ( by design, which may be a better deal than the folks in CS are getting where their pension is being destroyed not so much by corpoirate greed as by fund management corruption or incompetence).
Not saying you are wrong. Redundant or make work management positions should absolutely be elliminated I agree with you 100%. I am sceptical of 20- 30 supervisors in a single operating who fit one of those categories. I'd need to see what they actually did throughout their day to enter an opinion on that. But I can tell you if you have 20-30 non value added supervisors in one operation then not only they should be sent packing but also a coupe managers as well for letting it happen.