Saudi Arabia not renewing Petrodollar agreement…..


Well-Known Member
Awwww man yall. Was at Top Golf ⛳️ with a couple of ladies. I have to get caught up. Have week off for graduations. No DOT this week lolView attachment 487214
I'm not asking a 3rd time. He's ignoring the most obvious question. He is full of :censored2: regarding the June 9th, 2024 "Petrodollar Expiration". Recognize it.
Nope not at all. Remember they ARE dropping your dollar they already told you. We are becoming the fat girl with the nice personality. Did you notice our buddies are covering for us? ECB and Canada announced well timed rates cuts. That $ is coming back guys. We are next to “cut and cover” and feed on our own. You are being inflated with your own waste material. Think of it like being slowly taken off of kidney dialysis …… you choke on your filth…


Staff member
Nope not at all. Remember they ARE dropping your dollar they already told you. We are becoming the fat girl with the nice personality. Did you notice our buddies are covering for us? ECB and Canada announced well timed rates cuts. That $ is coming back guys. We are next to “cut and cover” and feed on our own. You are being inflated with your own waste material. Think of it like being slowly taken off of kidney dialysis …… you choke on your filth…
Aren’t you just the bright little ray of sunshine.


Well-Known Member
Aren’t you just the bright little ray of sunshine.
I know…… that’s why we have to stop wasting time with fake sham trials and old men rah rah. They don’t know what to do. They are coping. We are in “Bread n Circus” mode (Look it up). ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️


Ok here yall go……..I’ll leave this here. MSN


Nope not at all. Remember they ARE dropping your dollar they already told you. We are becoming the fat girl with the nice personality. Did you notice our buddies are covering for us? ECB and Canada announced well timed rates cuts. That $ is coming back guys. We are next to “cut and cover” and feed on our own. You are being inflated with your own waste material. Think of it like being slowly taken off of kidney dialysis …… you choke on your filth…
I really do appreciate the time you're taking to give these explanations in point other things, which by the way I tend to agree with. I'm only disputing the date of June 9th, 2024. Everything else I agree with. Where is the date at? Where did you find this date? It is not in the document that you linked. I've already consulted with someone that is very high up in the oil industry, specifically in the Middle East. According to them Saudi Arabia has always been its own entity that can trade in any currency at once however it has an agreement with the US for Military Support in exchange for trading in dollars. It is not required to trade in dollars though.
There is no such thing as inflated gold. Gold doesn't every truly increase. It's just that the dollar constant loses value.
physical gold can't be, but a true gold/silver specie-only standard hasn't existed at least for 90 years and more like 170 years

if banks are holding the metals and handing out paper "backed" by that metal, you've already been rused and it's just a matter of time before you end right back here


Well-Known Member
I really do appreciate the time you're taking to give these explanations in point other things, which by the way I tend to agree with. I'm only disputing the date of June 9th, 2024. Everything else I agree with. Where is the date at? Where did you find this date? It is not in the document that you linked. I've already consulted with someone that is very high up in the oil industry, specifically in the Middle East. According to them Saudi Arabia has always been its own entity that can trade in any currency at once however it has an agreement with the US for Military Support in exchange for trading in dollars. It is not required to trade in dollars though.
The date is implied. Your not getting a cutoff. You are facing a transition that has been told to you straight out to avoid all out war. They don’t want none of this. They are too smart plus it messes with their $.
I really do appreciate the time you're taking to give these explanations in point other things, which by the way I tend to agree with. I'm only disputing the date of June 9th, 2024. Everything else I agree with. Where is the date at? Where did you find this date? It is not in the document that you linked. I've already consulted with someone that is very high up in the oil industry, specifically in the Middle East. According to them Saudi Arabia has always been its own entity that can trade in any currency at once however it has an agreement with the US for Military Support in exchange for trading in dollars. It is not required to trade in dollars though.
Why would they announce trading in other currencies if it wasn’t a problem?


Well-Known Member
physical gold can't be, but a true gold/silver specie-only standard hasn't existed at least for 90 years and more like 170 years

if banks are holding the metals and handing out paper "backed" by that metal, you've already been rused and it's just a matter of time before you end right back here
There isn't enough gold and silver in the world to use directly as money. Saw an interesting video the other day. Well known financial advisor named Jim Rickards. He said if we go back to a gold backed currency the value of the gold the U.S. holds at Ft. Knox would have to be valued at $27k an ounce. By the way when we had a gold backed currency it was the government holding the gold, not the banks. You seem fixated on the banks for some reason.


Well-Known Member
There isn't enough gold and silver in the world to use directly as money. Saw an interesting video the other day. Well known financial advisor named Jim Rickards. He said if we go back to a gold backed currency the value of the gold the U.S. holds at Ft. Knox would have to be valued at $27k an ounce. By the way when we had a gold backed currency it was the government holding the gold, not the banks. You seem fixated on the banks for some reason.
You cannot verify gold deposits. They won’t let you.
The U.S. government holds over 147 million ounces of gold at Ft. Knox. Over half the government's gold reserves held there. Known and verified.
Source: "dude, trust us"

from the same government that murdered its own president, lied its way into multiple wars, lied its way through a pandemic, I could go on and on how untrustworthy our govt is

but oh they claim they have a bunch of gold? MUST BE LEGIT GUYS
There isn't enough gold and silver in the world to use directly as money.
well there's copper too, but that's kind of my point: it's useless as a backing because of fractional reserve banking, it's useless as specie because as you admit there isn't enough, so it's done, useless, out of date

TO BE FAIR, I think physical gold and silver existing alongside Bitcoin would make lots of people happy

By the way when we had a gold backed currency it was the government holding the gold, not the banks. You seem fixated on the banks for some reason.
it was both until 1933, we'd been on a gold standard for awhile


Well-Known Member
Source: "dude, trust us"

from the same government that murdered its own president, lied its way into multiple wars, lied its way through a pandemic, I could go on and on how untrustworthy our govt is

but oh they claim they have a bunch of gold? MUST BE LEGIT GUYS
You do realize that the U.S. government in 1963 isn't comprised of the same people as in 2024? No one is telling you to trust your government completely. But at the end of the day most Federal, State, and Local government workers are just people doing their jobs. People like you get this resentment built up inside you and on occasion some lash out. When Timothy McVeigh put that truck full of explosives next to the Federal Building in OKC he didn't strike a blow for freedom. He just killed a bunch of ordinary folks doing their jobs. And a bunch of small kids. We can rant and rave against the powers that be but in the end all we really have is either our vote or to get directly involved by running for office. Telling everyone on the internet that it's all a grand conspiracy to control us or whatever doesn't really solve anything. Just gets some so worked up they can't enjoy life and may very possibly lead to them hurting others. I think it's better focusing on voting for leaders who might govern responsibly and hoping for the best. And if they fail keep trying to find someone better. Life is too short to worry about how the bankers are all meeting secretly to figure out ways to screw us. I bank at Capital One. They give me much better service than outfits I've banked with in the past. That's what I care about.