Don't even go there with "in good faith" as much you guys violate the contract on a daily basis...the grievance process is exactly that, a grievance process not an ultimatum from you to me.
I got one on the ropes now because he thought he was "given" the right to not to work as instructed (he grieved something and asked us to go look and look who we caught!), he wished he had followed the contract "in good faith" now.
Before you waive that union book in my face make sure you follow "everything" that is in it and don't pick and choose which one's you want to follow and the one's you don't, other wise you are a hypocrite like the rest of them.
and if you bid on a route I ain't changing a d#$% thing based on your age or physical condition because you made the choice to work on the route, I am also not going to load you up either nothing to gain from that.
We will always be in court, we are large corporation, some one will always feel that we have screwed them over in some way (union and non-union)
Just some food for thought based on your post.
How about when you bid on a route, that because of Orion, and edd, and diad vs, paper, a route that once was, is nothing more than an albatros.
I bid on a route totally commercial, about 25 dr's. 85 stops. Now I have ghetto, and 130.
it was not like that when I bid on it. And nothing has changed except the numbers, which I no longer care about as I have beat myself to death, to achieve them and I cannot and no one does.
So now I get told, you bid on it,, dont want to hear crap about not being in the ghetto at night, its your route, if you dont like it bid on another. And they dont come up that often here.
Some days I dont even recognize it, and put me in a shooting gallery at dark, not cool. I actually had to follow another driver to my "first stop" as I had never been there. Well I cant say that anymore. I bid on a route, so I didnt have to deal with not knowing where I was. And the worst thing is to act like you dont know wtf, you are doing in the hood.
And I do not know how your metrics work when a route changes that much, but I know and so does everyone else, that it isnt correct. Just because a computer says what used to be 8 is now 6, and what should be 8 is 10.5, doesnt make it correct.
Just because they say it is 8 hrs, it is not. Saying it, printing it out doesnt make it so.