Seniority and bumping as a Swing Driver


Just a turd
Thanks for making sense of it for me Turd. If they want me out blind on the lowest seniority guys route, then that's what I'll do
It sucks, but we have all been there. Even if it was a rock pile I signed a bid and worked to get it changed because of stuff like that


Well-Known Member
I'm a swing driver that is occasionally not scheduled to work but l have seniority on most the swing drivers scheduled. I also typically have area knowlege on many of the routes that are in.
What are my rights as far as bumping on?

I'm currently told by my mgmt l have to bump to the very bottom guy working (most likely meaning l run the route blind) or go home.
I can't find any specific language in the contract to address this situation

Tell your center manager that you are going to work everyday. If he really wants you to do a route blind that it's his numbers that will suffer not your pay check.

After about 2 or 3 times in a row of that he will make sure to have you always scheduled on a route you know when you come into work.


Well-Known Member
Drivers have tried to bump me less than 30 minutes before start time. They don't try it anymore.

Unless they get to work really early and the dispatch sheet is already out it's hard for them to do it.


You smell that?
If I have seniority over you and you're running a route I want to run, you get bumped. How close it is to start time is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Drivers have tried to bump me less than 30 minutes before start time. They don't try it anymore.

Unless they get to work really early and the dispatch sheet is already out it's hard for them to do it.

It would be very easy to do it------I would just ask you for the DIAD and point you in the direction of the route that you would be running.


You smell that?
There's been more than one occasion when I was a lower seniority driver that I got bumped off a route as I was pulling out of the does suck but it's just part of the job.


KTM rider
I'm referring to a non bid swing driver not being assigned a route (despite having seniority on most other non bid swing drivers assigned on a route that day), looking for work and being told I have no ability to bump anyone but the very bottom guy working that day...

I am also in central and am also an unassigned driver. There are 10 or 12 unassigned swing drivers with less seniority in my center and there are 4 drivers with less seniority than me that have bid routes.

My understanding of the contract language is that I can bump any lower seniority unassigned driver that I want, if I want to work or am unhappy with the route that I am doing (there are some centers in Central where unassigned drivers pick their routes daily. I did that 1 time. My bid run for the day was awful, so I bumped someone off a route that looked better. It was better too.)

The ONLY time that I can bump a lower seniority bid route guy off his route is if there are no cut cars in. The only time that happens in my center is a week or 2 in February or March. It is a rare case where I could bump a lower guy off his/her bid route. Most of the year, we have 2 routes that are unassigned. The areas fluctuate wildly and are not in enough to force them to be bid. I will do one of those routes on weeks where no one is on vacation, usually 3-4 days for the week. The other 1-2 days, I'll take the lay off.

Bumping a lower guy off a vacation coverage is pretty normal for me and I do it from time to time.