I'm referring to a non bid swing driver not being assigned a route (despite having seniority on most other non bid swing drivers assigned on a route that day), looking for work and being told I have no ability to bump anyone but the very bottom guy working that day...
I am also in central and am also an unassigned driver. There are 10 or 12 unassigned swing drivers with less seniority in my center and there are 4 drivers with less seniority than me that have bid routes.
My understanding of the contract language is that I can bump any lower seniority unassigned driver that I want, if I want to work or am unhappy with the route that I am doing (there are some centers in Central where unassigned drivers pick their routes daily. I did that 1 time. My bid run for the day was awful, so I bumped someone off a route that looked better. It was better too.)
The ONLY time that I can bump a lower seniority bid route guy off his route is if there are no cut cars in. The only time that happens in my center is a week or 2 in February or March. It is a rare case where I could bump a lower guy off his/her bid route. Most of the year, we have 2 routes that are unassigned. The areas fluctuate wildly and are not in enough to force them to be bid. I will do one of those routes on weeks where no one is on vacation, usually 3-4 days for the week. The other 1-2 days, I'll take the lay off.
Bumping a lower guy off a vacation coverage is pretty normal for me and I do it from time to time.