Well-Known Member
No it doesn't have me riled up. What I am doing is showing the true spots on a leopard is that you guys want a true one list that consists of company seniority for classification to classification, but not part time years which you Mike dont have any part time years so therefore you don't want a true seniority list only for what you want. Right Mike? Remember when TK said at the Union meeting he would allow the Local make that call so the own us would be taken off of him so he can say he had nothing to do with the part time years. A true seniority list is the first day you were hired just like Local 804. So Mike why not the part time years included??? Dono come back with so rhetorical answer. Just say the truth that you don't want part time years to be included, but you can't say the truth since it would hurt your Agenda. Let's hear Mike.