Like I mentioned earlier....someone posted a link to a site where you could view each local's expenditures. It was a couple of years ago. Wish I still had the link. When several of our drivers and I looked at ours we were shocked. They were spending money like it was growing on trees. And seeing the report after hearing the die hard union drivers preach about the locals not having enough money to provide more quality representation just blew our minds. Always saying it was because so many people in right to work states didn't pay dues. Not enough money? Yet, they seemed to have thousands and thousands of dollars laying around to spend on picnics, unneeded "upgrades" to the union hall (I know because I had seen them), and what not. Not enough money? Give me a break!
I'm just asking here, but do you help organize other drivers when you have a 9.5 problem, or when management in your center is harassing your drivers? Do you call for meetings OFF THE CLOCK, to air out your feelings, talk strategy, and think of collective solutions to the problems you all deal with? Do you, along with all of the other drivers in your center/building, go to the union meetings to tell your union officials what you think of the unneeded "upgrades"?
How about this: do you, and most of the other drivers you work with, just say, hey, I'm just going to not worry about the over-dispatch, I'll skip my lunch because I HAVE to be off by such and such time? Do you file grievances about issues where management violates the contract?
You DO understand that our union IS a democracy, don't you? It is a personal, local democracy, which means you need to participate to help it along. It's not like our national democracy, where you just go vote every once in a while, then bitch the rest of the time.
When you and the other drivers looked at the reports you mentioned, I'm assuming you went to the next union meeting and asked all about it, right? I hope so, because a democracy has to be tended like any other living thing. Otherwise, it withers and dies. And I'm sure you don't just bitch and moan about it without taking steps to correct the problem, do you? You don't just post complaints on internet forums without taking man-sized steps to fix your problems, both real and perceived, do you?