Shouldered by a supervisor

Red, you need to contact the District HR Manager. I was one for many years. HR Mgrs have protocol that they must follow. Either the District HR Mgr will investigate his or herself, or have the ERM investigate in their place. They will interview you, your Sup, all witnesses and check the videotape (every boxline, preload belt or slide area has continous recording video feeds). The truth will come out and this will be addressed. UPS has a zero tolerance policy. If your Sup did as you say, he will be disciplined up to and including termination, as will you if the investigation shows that you retaliated. When you contact your HR mgr, or ask your Ctr Mgr or Div Mgr too, be prepared to have your list of witnesses and any other information for the investigation. Make sure all is accurate, there have been cases where employees have been terminated for embellishing acts or falsely accusing others. Good Luck. I am sure that UPS will handle this the correct way.


Bringin Teh_Lulz
my opinion of course but I'm not sure they care how they get rid of him. there is a price to pay for spending every waking minute of your life plotting on how to screw the company you work for. in my opinion i think its possible the company has now decided to return fire.

Explain to me how he's screwing the company


Red, you need to contact the District HR Manager. I was one for many years. HR Mgrs have protocol that they must follow. Either the District HR Mgr will investigate his or herself, or have the ERM investigate in their place. They will interview you, your Sup, all witnesses and check the videotape (every boxline, preload belt or slide area has continous recording video feeds). The truth will come out and this will be addressed. UPS has a zero tolerance policy. If your Sup did as you say, he will be disciplined up to and including termination, as will you if the investigation shows that you retaliated. When you contact your HR mgr, or ask your Ctr Mgr or Div Mgr too, be prepared to have your list of witnesses and any other information for the investigation. Make sure all is accurate, there have been cases where employees have been terminated for embellishing acts or falsely accusing others. Good Luck. I am sure that UPS will handle this the correct way.

Thanks retiredhrguy. You have responded with the best advise on this thread. Now the ball is in your court red. Do not imbelish the facts and the facts will prevail. If this supervisor did "intentionally shoulder you" he will be disciplined. Will he be fired? Will he be transfered? That's going to be up to UPS. Maybe transfered, if tieguys reasoning prevails, that management sent that maddog after red int he first place.

Question for the retiredhrguy. How long does UPS keep these live feeds? I ask this because if it's on a set time table then red must act fast if he is to have that feed prove his version of events.

For tieguy. I have read many of your pists over the years, and you seam to be on the up and up, JMHO. However, regardless of reds disdain for management, his actions as steward, etc., etc., if red s facts are true, that maddog supervisor did intentionally shoulder him, and its proven by the vidoe recordings, where would you stand? You can't be saying that he should have been shouldered, with UPS thinking he would have retaliated and got fired, just to get rid of their pain-in-the-ass, are you? How many of us UPS employees, over the years, have had the pain-in-the-ass supervisor, that abused his position as as supervisor should we have shouldered, in an atempt at retaliation, so we could knock him ion his ass?

Let's all agree, please, that no work place violance is acceptable.

I wont accedentally shoulder a sup, no matter how much I detest his/her actions, if they promise not to goad me into retaliation, in an atempt to get rid of my pain-in-the-ass self.
They will interview you, your Sup, all witnesses and check the videotape (every boxline, preload belt or slide area has continous recording video feeds).
Sorry, but that just ain't so. The center I work in has no video feeds anywhere in the building unless LP sets up temp recorders for a specific reason such as trying to catch a thief.
Trust me, if they had a continuous feed, there would have been mass firings on just our preload.


For tieguy. I have read many of your pists over the years, and you seam to be on the up and up, JMHO. However, regardless of reds disdain for management, his actions as steward, etc., etc., if red s facts are true, that maddog supervisor did intentionally shoulder him, and its proven by the vidoe recordings, where would you stand? You can't be saying that he should have been shouldered, with UPS thinking he would have retaliated and got fired, just to get rid of their pain-in-the-ass, are you? How many of us UPS employees, over the years, have had the pain-in-the-ass supervisor, that abused his position as as supervisor should we have shouldered, in an atempt at retaliation, so we could knock him ion his ass?

Let's all agree, please, that no work place violance is acceptable.

I wont accedentally shoulder a sup, no matter how much I detest his/her actions, if they promise not to goad me into retaliation, in an atempt to get rid of my pain-in-the-ass self.

my point continues to be that I think Reds fight has gone to a higher plane or maybe a different plane beyond or away from the classic employer / employee relationship.

In addition I think the labor climate and labor rules that chicago operates under may be different then what most of us are used to. In many ways it may still reflect the old school mentalality when management hired thugs and the union used mob muscle to solve some of their issues.

In that context I'm not sure that Red can go back to capturing the employee rights that he would normally be entitled to. All is my opinion based on what I read here from him and not from any personal insight.
I could be totally wrong.


Well-Known Member
I just keep thinking of the movie "A Few Good Men". Tie is implying that the company basically ordered a "code red". The company is going to state that there is no such thing as a code red, and then things will get sticky. I can't believe that UPS would send a sacrificial lamb at Red to bait him like that, but yet again, I can.
I used to be so proud to work for this company, then I read things like this.


Nine Lives
I just keep thinking of the movie "A Few Good Men". Tie is implying that the company basically ordered a "code red". The company is going to state that there is no such thing as a code red, and then things will get sticky. I can't believe that UPS would send a sacrificial lamb at Red to bait him like that, but yet again, I can.
I used to be so proud to work for this company, then I read things like this.
So I guess when you watched "A Few Good Men", you no longer had any respect for the US Armed Forces?


Nine Lives
Absolutely untrue and NOT funny if that was your intent. Think before you post.

I did ... did you? LMAO
Go back and think about what you posted.

You analogized that UPS did the same as the Marines.
Said you were not proud of UPS implying you were not proud of the Marines.
Simple logic
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Well-Known Member
I have nothing but the utmost respect for the men and women who have fought or who are now fighting for our liberties and freedoms. I made a reference to a movie in which the plot happened to include Marines; that does not automatically imply that I am disgusted with the Armed Forces. Should one draw conclusions about you from some of your posts?
According to your logic Jewish people must hate pig farmers.


I didn't read it that way Hoax. It is a pretty good analogy but I understood grunt to say that he was not proud of what UPS has become. I read nothing past that because there is nothing there to read. A Few Good Men was just a movie and, as far as I know, no truth in it. :peaceful:


Nine Lives
I didn't read it that way Hoax. It is a pretty good analogy but I understood grunt to say that he was not proud of what UPS has become. I read nothing past that because there is nothing there to read. A Few Good Men was just a movie and, as far as I know, no truth in it. :peaceful:
I guess that was my point too.


But, I think, you implied that the actions in the movie carry over into real life. I can't say for sure one way or the other because I have never been there. But you definately suggested that grunt has no respect for the military because of the movie. This is just a silly idea. Grunt may have used the analogy but you put words into his mouth above and beyond the analogy.


Nine Lives
But, I think, you implied that the actions in the movie carry over into real life. I can't say for sure one way or the other because I have never been there. But you definately suggested that grunt has no respect for the military because of the movie. This is just a silly idea. Grunt may have used the analogy but you put words into his mouth above and beyond the analogy.

Agreed ... I agree with everything you said .
I was not implying that Grunt did not respect the military and sincerely do not think that is true.
I was simply following his logic that the Marines and UPS did the same thing and he did not respect UPS.
I did follow my logical deduction with a question mark.


Absolutely untrue and NOT funny if that was your intent. Think before you post.

Grunt I would not have read it that way. I think Hoaxs point was that you don't judge the organization by the actions of a few people.

If a "code red" type situation exists here it the company did not evolve to that level a few individuals pulled it out of a play book from a long time ago.

With that said Reds problem in acting the victim is his role with this company has constantly been that of the catalyst not the victim. Its going to be difficult for him to convincingly change roles to that of the victim.

Red has been a very vocal catalyst in the past. In that role he has to understand that every outrageous thing he ever did or said now gets used against him as he tries to pursue the role of victim.
With that in mind I previously made the point that he might want to consider the point that he has given more abuse then he has gotten. Take his winnings and move on.

I'm afraid there is a higher level of labor play taking place here and I'm having a hard time getting you folks to understand what I'm saying and having a hard time getting you to focus on all facets of the game. You're getting hung up on one part or another and not the taking in the whole scenario.


Agreed ... I agree with everything you said .
I was not implying that Grunt did not respect the military and sincerely do not think that is true.
I was simply following his logic that the Marines and UPS did the same thing and he did not respect UPS.
I did follow my logical deduction with a question mark.
I don't think you think that it is true either, Hoax. Yes, you did use a question mark. It seemed to me that it was more of a rhetorical question and maybe I took it the wrong way. I just didn't think it was a 'logical deduction' as you put it. :peaceful:


I did not agree with Brown Suit. It is your vacation and you are going to have to hand this supervision his pills now. I work for UPS part time have been there 15 years. Now my full time is job is working inside of a court room, working with the police and judges 5 days a week 9 hours a day. It does not matter where you live if you are going to press charges do it now. do not wait. The supervisor's lawyer or UPS's first question will be why did you wait so long. Will you say because it was my vacation, not good to say. If you don't press the charges then you will need to call your BA, call the 8oo#, note what happen date time who saw what where you were in the building. If you file the charges you have a better chance of getting film the company my have because if the they bring it to court the CA or PA for that state may tell UPS to hand over the film of the issue. File the paper work UPS will not let hourlys get by this,no one should be acting this why at work. I could understand some verbal disagreement because of the pressure they put on the drivers, but he went to far. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire in order to portect you rights. good luck.