RetiredHR guy
Red, you need to contact the District HR Manager. I was one for many years. HR Mgrs have protocol that they must follow. Either the District HR Mgr will investigate his or herself, or have the ERM investigate in their place. They will interview you, your Sup, all witnesses and check the videotape (every boxline, preload belt or slide area has continous recording video feeds). The truth will come out and this will be addressed. UPS has a zero tolerance policy. If your Sup did as you say, he will be disciplined up to and including termination, as will you if the investigation shows that you retaliated. When you contact your HR mgr, or ask your Ctr Mgr or Div Mgr too, be prepared to have your list of witnesses and any other information for the investigation. Make sure all is accurate, there have been cases where employees have been terminated for embellishing acts or falsely accusing others. Good Luck. I am sure that UPS will handle this the correct way.