Wow, what a pretty good discussion going here. I have been out of town in New Mexico attending a labor class that my Local sent me for over the last week. It was a pretty intense class and all of my free time out side of the class was spent on homework and research for the class.
I would like to thank the majority of the posters that have given good advice on how to handle this. I have stepped back from this situation and have allowed another steward to handle this and I am now looking at it from a grievants angle.
To tie and dragon, you both have really showed how UPS operates in these situations. UPS is unable to treat an employee that also happens to be a steward as just an employee. You have showed that UPS will do what ever it takes to single out someone for their union activity. I am an employee first and do my job to the best of my ability. It has been several years since I have even been talked to for anything in an official capacity related with performing my package car job with UPS.
Now if UPS would adhere to and honor the contract they would not have to deal with me or other stewards. As an employee I am protected by not only the contract but several other laws for discrimination for my dealings as a union steward.
And if you read ties posts, he condones violence against me because of my union activity. When I am acting as a steward or an employee, I do not have the right to touch another person employee or not, and it should work the same in return.
The supervisor is still working, so UPS's own policy has now been thrown out the window! The steward said that there is a video tape, but I will bet money that it will disappear, because everything I have stated is the truth. No one to my knowledge has even been interviewed so UPS has really opened itself up here. Any union employee that I have represented for violence in the work place has been taken out of service so that they may get to the bottom of it, and to protect the other employees in case the charges are serious. It appears that maybe the employees might have to defend themselves because UPS will not provide a safe workplace.
This is not the first harassment charge against this sup. That all I will get into on this, so that no legal ramifications come back, but he was promoted after the complaint!
I am an employee first and I have been elected by the employees to represent their best interest and the contracts. Now if UPS has a problem with that TOO BAD! I fully expect to get fired Monday morning when I arrive to work, and I am prepared to fight this through the grievance procedure, NLRB, DOL, and if need be through the court system.
As an employee or a steward on UPS property I have the right to a Violence free environment! If you don't like me as a steward, don't violate the contract and you wont have to deal with me. If you don't like me as an employee because YOU make it impossible to deliver all the airs on time and you don't know how to do your job and get air help as you were instructed to do by your boss the manager, than either figure out how to do your job or quit! But do not put your hands on me again!