Outcome was predicted early on as yet another enchantingly
imaginative ploy by the all time master of fiction.
like I said - what comes around goes around. Did you really expect anything more......
Remember HR is for the company, not you. They are window dressing and that's all. As long as they don't think they are going to be sued or whatever else, they could care less. They are all to cover the companys butt. Nothing more.
Good luck man and try to enjoy your vacation.![]()
like I said and yes it's sad to say but the truth. They are for the company, not the employees.
As I quickly age doing this driving gig I realize more and more that if you are to survive, you are not for either the company or the union. You have to look out for yourself.
No one else will do it as well as me any ways...
Hard to argue with that ... I've never met a mgt person that made it to Grade 20 who was not in it totally for themselves. They might try to hide it but it was pretty obvious ... not that there is anything wrong with that.![]()
Some of them drink their own urine.Amen ... ain't that the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just seeing this thread right now... I wish I saw it on the 10th.
I would say for you to go and file a police report. Don't even think about it. After you file.... let your manager know. This will serve notice to the supervisor that you aren't playing games. My guess is that he will not bother you in the future.
This should not happen to any employee, BUT I take you at your word. As far as I am concerned that supervisor should be released. The problem is that may not happen because of the nature of how the violence occurred. But if nothing else, there needs to be a documented police report and in the future make sure you do not talk with this supervisor without someone else present. Push for this supervisor to be reassigned.
I really hate to say this but if his record is clean, this will only be considered strike one but it will be in his file and he will have to deal with it in the future if he screws up.
So is this over Red? Did you ever follow up with the police? Just wondering. How was your week back at work. Have to guess there is a lot of tension. If you don't want to share anymore that cool.
Good luck man and I hope everything works out and your worklife can get back to as normal as it ever was before this incident.![]()
I have done everything here so far and nothing has been done! Lifer thanks for your advice and if corporate does not act on this soon I believe that I will have to defend myself here from this aggressive sup! No HR reps have been back to talk to my witnesses, however this sup some how got knowledge of who they where and he has questioned them about what happened.
On Monday I notified management again that I had too many airs, so this sup follows me in his own car stop to stop battering me the whole way. At 1028 am when he realized that I was going to have late air he drove away. He has been out to my route every day this week! I have only seen him once until all this happened over the last 9 months now its daily!
Yesterday I requested an 8 hour day because I had something to get to, now I deliver about 40 stops a day, yesterday they put 65 stops on me for over 600 pieces and a brand new loader to load my truck. The truck was a disaster! At 1210 pm I had a leaking package which happened to be a car battery filled with acid. I secured my vehicle and notified management immediately. He ca,e out in his own car once again and removed the package and wiped the floor of my truck.
I explained that its 1240 and I have 23 stops done now and 43 left for 200 pieces, he told me to pick up my pace. I told him I was going to lunch at 1pm until 210 and I started pick ups at 230 and I asked him should I sheet everything as missed or continue delivering. He asked why I didn't take my lunch during the time I was waiting for him, I replied because there is no where to eat here and I always take my lunch form 1 to 210 with my 10 minute break.
He tells me after lunch to just deliver and he would have my pick ups covered. He did my pick ups (which I have already grieved). I continued to deliver until I was finished, about 10 packages did not get delivered because companies closed. Now I drive a 24 ft van and he put a split of residential on me to deliver after pick ups. Now I have a hard time fitting my pick ups daily as is and now on a 8 hour request day I get res?
My dispatch for the day was 7.5 hours because he did the pick ups, so he dispatched me on an industrial route with 7.5 hours of deliveries knowing that I only have 4 hours of delivery window with my lunch before pick ups which took me 9.5 hours to do because of the load. On top of it he forced a couple customers to close out their end of day because he was not waiting past their scheduled time. I have encouraged the customers to call the 800 number and file a corporate compliant! They could not believe that he was a sup! And neither can any of the drivers in the North center out of the Palatine building!
Here's some things that we have to deal with at our center, operation reports with drivers names highlighted and circled saying least best drivers.
Close to a dozen harassment grievances.
We had a driver that called in asking for assistance with over 70s and came back to the building to find tampons stuck in his diad slot.
We has a driver that was threatened to be stabbed to death.
And now a driver (me) shouldered by a sup!
Its obvious that we are not safe at work for UPS and now we could possibly have to be forced to defend ourselves in the near future. Its a good thing that everything that I have mentioned is documented in a grievance, this way we can at least show an arbitrator that look we have tried to correct these issues but UPS has forced us to protect ourselves.
We have 9 drivers right now on workers comp or taw, we have a whole loop of drivers out! This is out of 77 drivers. We have over 3 dozen 9.5 grievances open and this week alone 6 8 hour request grievances for not honoring them. Sounds to me like we need a management change and quick before someone really gets hurt here!
Why dont you tell us what you know that we dont. As a driver I see this as mgmt sticking up for this kind of behavior, or a ptimer that has had to wait to go ft. Either way it is ridiculous. Just who are you, if he is lieing why would he post knowing the power of Brown cafe. Yes we finally have somewhere to come together and ask for advice!Well I'm sure you have your apologists but crying wolf so many times makes your tale of abuse hard to fathom.