In my building we do not have paid sick days.
In mine, I've got 20hrs (five PT shifts) option pay and 20hrs (five PT shifts) sick pay.
I still haven't figured out the difference between the two but they both get paid out at the end of the year if left unused, so I don't care
too much. I used to think they were different names for the same benefit until I noticed sick pay get 4 hours deducted from it the first time I used it, while my OPT pay (or available hours, w/e) stayed at 20.0hrs.
If it were me, and I were really sick and had no intentions of going in, I would call in sick to every supervisor that I've got a number for. Back that
up. Tell each of them I'm calling in sick and that I had already unsuccessfully tried to communicate that to the "FT sup/manager."
If they tell me I can't call in sick, I call in sick and then threaten filing a grievance when I come in the next day until they calm me down and tell me to get to work.
Hasn't failed me yet.... but I don't really call out often, and they've only talked me out of one of my attempted call-ins (that I can remember.) Pretty sure they just knew it was my birthday with that one, though.