So in order to get paid you have to actually picket


Well-Known Member
If I'm taking a $1,500/wk paycut to walk a line for you to get a raise, I'll burn your :censored2:ing house down if you don't show up.


Have we even seen a full proposal from the union or company? I’ve seen bits and pieces of PDFs and screenshots but without anything verifying they’re legitimate. A couple news articles about what’s been discussed and both sides saying each other walked away from the table. How could we even be asked to strike without seeing what was negotiated or denied? Haven’t seen or heard a thing from my local. No one has been to our building to talk to anyone. Not even a text, email or robocall.

Our BA doesn't even know what's going on. The more I listen to chatter in our building the more I think this is Captain Sean's ship and we will either sail off into glory or ram into an iceberg and go down like the Titanic.


Well-Known Member
honestly I don't know, I've been at ups 22 years and never experienced a strike in my life. I just thought we didn't come to work I didn't know we were expected to still report work at 6:30 pm and picket until our shift is over.
What happens if I don't picket?
You haven't been with the company for 22 years. Why talk.