So ugggh when we fighting for 22.4's rights?

Star B

White Lightening
Plenty of time to find a second job. How much is FedEx paying these days? I really think you are being silly if you think UPS is going to cut your job down to 20 hours a week.
Well, we'd be paying more if you guys got a backbone and voted this :censored2: down, but nooo, your workgroup is too weak and let the union railroad you into accepting this crap.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!
We need Mayweather, he will fight for us. You can't beat that record.:helpsmili

Total fights: 50
Wins by KO: 27
Total wins: 50


Well-Known Member
Try loading or unloading trailers in the Summer heat. All for $10/hr and no benefits. 22.4 job would sound great for $30+/hr. And the opportunity to make $40/hr in a couple years.
I've been there done that and when I came to UPS I really thought it'd be different, being a multi billion vs the latter but its actually worse with the politics.

vote yes!!!!

Well-Known Member
All this crying and we haven’t seen a 22.4 position yet, make a tread after it happens then we can complain. Only stating what our center was told about 22.4s.