I ran some new UPS guy out of here who was barreling in the driveway laying on the horn like it's the end of the world. My home is in a state forest at least a mile from any others. Driveway is about 20ft from my bedroom window, open because of the heat.
I think the guy is some kind of idiot, because instead of honoring my simple request, he got mouthy, called me an
and sped off....blowing the horn. So, you tell me if that sounds like a normal healthy employee. He's on my property mouthing off? Let me tell you, in PA we do not need the police for summary criminal offences, I could file privately for disorderly conduct, harassment for the language and harassment for blowing the horn after I asked him not to.
For the drivers here who feel embarrassed, yeah...tell your sups how suddenly the public is starting to hate you. My other delivery persons are great, FedEx guy hangs out 15-20 minutes sometimes. Not only does the horn annoy regular people, my dogs go ape
when ordinarily they would never know if delivery is coming....with their bags of food.
I couldn't think of a less endearing activity a professional driver could engage in. And oh, back at the hub in Pittston PA, Leslie sounds like a real bitch-slave to the corporate logo. Not one bean or brain power, just argument for the sake of argument. She's pretty sensitive too, hung up on me because of my language....lol, all I did was tell the story of what HER driver said.
I am halfway tempted to file a case under UPS Guy, then get a court subpoena for UPS to get the name and go from there. To the other drivers who use their common sense, good for you, that's what you get paid to do, not to sow chaos for mindless rule-orgy compliance.
I also guarantee you my UPS guy would not have the balls to say anything to my face, he waited until his truck was running, lol. Supposedly I won't get getting service here now, which is FINE with me. Because UPS can't control employee criminal behaviour, sure....I'll retrieve my own packages.