SSD's (PVD's) implemented 6-7 weeks from Christmas. New contract already ignored?

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
Doesnt take a rocket scientist to put packages in a vehicle and deliver..that take mad skills. You have pre loaders to load your trucks to deliver.

Let me tell you something you have no idea what you are talking about come down south and work in the heat one summer over and over year after year! Stop acting like you are a driver and know what drivers go through because you work 5 weeks of the year! It’s like someone who has no kids but has taken care of some kids before and thinks they understand. No you don’t! Trolling!
As a PVD, i have worked peak for the last 4 years...this will be my last. The new contract has killed the cash cow for PVDs. Today all PVDs were asked if they wanted to work longer hours because there was multiple sick call ins. I understand that brown trk drivers want as much OT as they can get, but if they bitch because they are overworked, where is the balance point to keep everyone happy?
Hi Barney


Well-Known Member
Same work😂? Do you think they ask us if we “want” to work long hours because someone is sick? Nope we worked the long hours all year. But I’m glad you think you’re doing the same job with the same requirements and the same treatment.🙄
The fives and tens? SPORH? DOT card? It’s all the same 😀


Well-Known Member
obv you do if you posted
That this is your last year? Not one bit. There will be another one of you Uber drivers to take your place when you leave.

Merry Christmas :)



Well-Known Member
Let me tell you something you have no idea what you are talking about come down south and work in the heat one summer over and over year after year! Stop acting like you are a driver and know what drivers go through because you work 5 weeks of the year! It’s like someone who has no kids but has taken care of some kids before and thinks they understand. No you don’t! Trolling!
I managed a warehouse in central Fl. with no AC when I was younger, you dont need to explain heat...esp during peak


Well-Known Member
Actually own a business in agriculture, and was bored during the winter months, and wanted to something to get me out. Cant do much in the fields with snow on them. Uber is not quite my speed
Yet you're complaining about no hours and bad pay.

Business must be booming lol


Well-Known Member
You are the one who talked about poor work condtions...ever work in -25 weather?...I have
As a matter of fact, I have damn near every year. 😂 what’s your point? I didn’t say poor working conditions you did. I said you don’t do the same job we do because you don’t.