Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

The Driver

I drive.
There's no conspiracy theory at all, just facts.
Why would Lord Trump say that the vaccines are safe when they're not? Why would Lord Trump say to go get protected with the vaccines? Why would Lord Trump even bother with Operation Warp Speed?

Why do you not have trust in your Lord and Savior Donald Trump?

The Driver

I drive.
Guys... I don't feel so good... I think the... vaccines... have changed... my DNA...


Netsua 3:16

In order to know if there are long term effects, it has to have been tested long term.
Are you sure?
Who taught you that?
You know you can’t trust what the evil liberal school system tells you
Drs? Pssh, they all lie right?

“I don’t trust what I’m told”
“I’m told it takes years to determine whether a vaccine is safe or not”
Ok Karen


Inordinately Right
Are you sure?
Who taught you that?
You know you can’t trust what the evil liberal school system tells you
Drs? Pssh, they all lie right?

“I don’t trust what I’m told”
“I’m told it takes years to determine whether a vaccine is safe or not”
Ok Karen
If you're trying to look silly, congratulations.


Inordinately Right
“I don’t trust what doctors say about the vaccine”
“I’m told by doctors that it takes years to determine whether a vaccine is safe or not”
Ok Karen
I didn't say anything about doctors or safety.
I said there are no long term studies.
Because there aren't.
Settle down kiddo.