State of the Union Address


nowhere special
Flee? lol
Has anyone left their home state for cancer or heart treatment? Cleveland is the best heart hospital in the world. Houston for cancer. I wonder?
My brother-in-law lives in South Carolina now but goes to the Cleveland Clinic for his treatment.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I was unaware women had a constitutional right to an abortion.
They don't anymore... thanks to Trump and Republicans.

I think it's possible that we could look back on the entire 2020s and be talking about how how ending Roe was the best thing that could happen for the Democratic Party, electorally speaking. The Republicans have opened a huge can of worms.

Abortion is healthcare. Most people understand this. And they will punish Republicans at the polls.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
How about the rights of the baby?
The fetus had trisomy 18, a fatal genetic condition. Carrying the fetus to term would've likely destroyed Kate Cox's future fertility.

Most voters see this issue as a complicated one and want women to be able to decide with their doctors how to handle their reproductive care. Radical Republicans want to subjugate women to their moralizing worldview.

All I can say is that Democrats are winning on this issue. Time and time again at the polls since Dobbs. So keep pushing, I dare you. Keep up the radicalism. America is rejecting the radicalism.


Well-Known Member
They don't anymore... thanks to Trump and Republicans.

I think it's possible that we could look back on the entire 2020s and be talking about how how ending Roe was the best thing that could happen for the Democratic Party, electorally speaking. The Republicans have opened a huge can of worms.

Abortion is healthcare. Most people understand this. And they will punish Republicans at the polls.
It was never a Constitutional Right.


Well-Known Member

The Supreme Court recognized that the right to abortion is a fundamental liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution until they overturned that decision with Dobbs.

Hope this helps.
Nope you said it yourself recognized. It was never a right. Even Ole Ruth questioned the Dobbs decision when she was alive


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Since having an abortion is healthcare shouldn‘t we get to the source of what is causing this health problem? Why not tax anything with a pecker or just sterilize every baby that has a pecker and then we could really fix this health crisis.


Well-Known Member
By the reactions here, I can see that President Biden did a fantastic job last night.

I’ll know for sure whenDIDO weighs in.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King