State of the Union Address


Well-Known Member
How about the rights of the baby?
what supports does the US govt offer to pregnant women?




Well-Known Member
Go take a Women's Study Class.
Because you know almost nothing about women's health issues.
if greedy capitalists make it difficult to avoid this:

then women are going to be incentivized to get an abortion

capitalists dont care if you sicken your fetus anymore than if they sicken you!


Well-Known Member
why are they bad?

because they work for federal min wage 9 dollars an hour?
Because there’s free food everywhere. Thousands of programs both private and federal.

And you’re funny there’s no such thing as the minimum wage because no one is paid nine dollars an hour and I believe the federal minimum wage is seven dollars an hour. Nobody works for that because no one would. I cannot speak for Canada. Maybe it’s different there but doubtful.

Most “poor” Americans drive a newer car have three or four TVs in their house and three or four cell phones on a plan with a brand new cell phone not very poor actually. obviously I cannot speak for Canada. Maybe it’s different there but I highly doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Because there’s free food everywhere. Thousands of programs both private and federal.

And you’re funny there’s no such thing as the minimum wage because no one is paid nine dollars an hour and I believe the federal minimum wage is seven dollars an hour. Nobody works for that because no one would.

Most “poor” Americans drive a newer car have three or four TVs in their house and three or four cell phones on a plan with a brand new cell phone not very poor actually.
pardon me its $7.25 per hour since 2009.

no a lot of people work for that:

no poor people are not living like that. they can barely afford to pay their bare essentials. for example, look at the cost of rents and minimum wage jobs. the minimum wage wont cover your bare minimum expenses if you share. used cars are almost double in price now. its not practical going to food banks because they dont give you much and you are wasting alot of time just going there.

theres a poor peoples campaign going on in america led by a real christian bishop william barber. he can tell you why are they marching on washington and across the country against poverty.

for example in my city if you work full time you take home $2000 a month. but thats because min wage is $16/hr here. the rent if you share a 3 br room will be half of that. then you got satanic transit fees of $150 to $200. then food. so will you save anything or even get by? what about medications?

and what happens if youre disabled - thats anti christian at that point.


Well-Known Member
pardon me its $7.25 per hour since 2009.

no a lot of people work for that:
View attachment 474288

no poor people are not living like that. they can barely afford to pay their bare essentials. for example, look at the cost of rents and minimum wage jobs. the minimum wage wont cover your bare minimum expenses if you share. used cars are almost double in price now. its not practical going to food banks because they dont give you much and you are wasting alot of time just going there.

theres a poor peoples campaign going on in america led by a real christian bishop william barber. he can tell you why are they marching on washington and across the country against poverty.

for example in my city if you work full time you take home $2000 a month. the rent if you share a 3 br room will be half of that. then you got satanic transit fees of $150 to $200. then food. so will you save anything or even get by?

and what happens if youre disabled - thats anti christian at that point.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, as usual certainly costs have gone up and it is difficult to get by but the federal programs to feed children are everywhere and if someone is disabled, they get disability checks lol how do you not know these things?

Someone’s going to march on Washington against poverty? What good is that gonna do they’re the ones that create poverty it’s the way they keep people voting for them give them just enough and take it away from them if they try to do more.