Storming the Capitol


I'm a star
Why would he run if he can't secure the nomination due to the fact that states can bar is name from being on the ballot on the basis of his Senate censure? So what's he going to do? Have his supporters storm the GOP 2024 convention using violent force to take the nomination in a manner similar to his attempt to use force to avoid having to give up power?

Write in campaign.


I'm a star
And didn’t tell dump cronies to stop the lies, people’s lives depend on it?

Dump was never briefed on the damage to our country his actions would cause?

Yeah, the FBI needs to get right on being the ministry of truth. Better make the left wing media and all the democrats stop lying every time they flap their gums. Oh, that's right, I forget, 2+2=5, the party deems it so. We love our big brother.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the FBI needs to get right on being the ministry of truth. Better make the left wing media and all the democrats stop lying every time they flap their gums. Oh, that's right, I forget, 2+2=5, the party deems it so. We love our big brother.
There was no election fraud. Plain and simple. Dump calls people names calls them losers, but he’s the biggest loser ever.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Prosecutors in Georgia open criminal investigation into Trump's attempt to influence election results

“A prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia, has opened a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump for his "attempts to influence the administration of the 2020 Georgia general election."

In a letter sent Wednesday to numerous Georgia state election officials, including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis requested that they preserve documents related to Trump's phone call last month in which he pushed Raffensperger to "find" votes to reverse his election loss.

Willis said the "investigation includes, but is not limited to, potential violations of Georgia election law prohibiting the solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local government bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office, and any involvement in violence of threats related to the election's administration."

"This matter is of high priority, and I am confident that as fellow law enforcement officers sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and Georgia, our acquisition of information and evidence of potential crimes via interviews, documents, videos and electronic records will be cooperative," the letter reads.

Trump himself is not named in the letter, but Willis' office confirmed to CNN that the probe concerns his phone call with Raffensperger. The letter also says Fulton County authorities currently "have no reason to believe that any Georgia official is a target" in the probe.”


Well-Known Member
Oh yes you've got him now!
Your 4 year quest to get the evil bad orange man is almost over!

.....aaaaannnnyyyyy day now.

From the standpoint of holding Trump himself accountable being tried in federal court on federal charges would be a better option. What the Senate is doing today is a matter of being required to do it. If trump where tried in federal court given his past habit of stiffing creditors who would have to represent him? The public defender's office?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Because Trump is no longer president and it's his second impeachment trial in the Senate the CJ can refuse to sit on the second trial which Roberts did do The job then falls to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
Clumsy dodge ... Chief Justice John Roberts refused to preside because this Impeachment trial is not Constitutional.
We'll never know whether it is constitutionally allowed because the verdict will be "Not Guilty" and so a lawsuit before the SCOTUS will never take place.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Enough senators to acquit him already voted on a resolution declaring the trial unconstitutional. Its predetermined.
Yes! 67 Senators must vote to 'convict'.
56-44 in favor of it being constitutional including 6 Republicans . You'll be able to read all about it in the morning when you can go down to the public library and use their free internet.
In other words, 67 is required and 56 voted 'Yes' ... just 10 short of what is needed.

DimWits grasping at straws and looking dumber ... if that's possible!