Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
The penalties for impeachment are designed to protect the republic from the very type of people who have abused their office in such a manner that they should never be entrusted with public power again. It makes no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape justice.
You can be impeached but not convicted in the Senate. Ask Bill Clinton. You're wanting to get the conviction to insure Trump can't come back. If Trump had done something serious enough that his party turned against him, as it did against Nixon, then you'd have something. The Republican senators who aren't beholden to a liberal constituency don't agree with you. You're not going to get a conviction and this should've ended with the motion to dismiss. Instead it's another farce Democrats are putting us through because you hate Trump.
You can be impeached but not convicted in the Senate. Ask Bill Clinton. You're wanting to get the conviction to insure Trump can't come back. If Trump had done something serious enough that his party turned against him, as it did against Nixon, then you'd have something. The Republican senators who aren't beholden to a liberal constituency don't agree with you. You're not going to get a conviction and this should've ended with the motion to dismiss. Instead it's another farce Democrats are putting us through because you hate Trump.
The only reason republicans are claiming the trial is unconstitutional is because they can't defend donald's actions. It gives them a cop out.
No, they are following the Constitution.
I shot that down earlier. But don't just take my word on it:

A bipartisan group of roughly 150 lawyers signed a letter arguing that Trump can still be convicted in an impeachment trial.

Signatories of the letter included the co-founder and other members of the Federalist Society, a legal group that wields influence in conservative politics.

“We differ from one another in our politics, and we also differ from one another on issues of constitutional interpretation,” said the Jan. 21 letter. “But despite our differences, our carefully considered views of the law lead all of us to agree that the Constitution permits the impeachment, conviction, and disqualification of former officers, including presidents.”


Inordinately Right
The only reason republicans are claiming the trial is unconstitutional is because they can't defend donald's actions. It gives them a cop out.
The only reason Democraps are claiming the trial is constitutional is because they know a legitimate court would find him not guilty. It gives them the kangaroo court they need to trick their ignorant sheep.


Well-Known Member
His butt isn't even close to on the line. Even if this farce is carried all the way to the end, and Trump actually were convicted by the senate, which won't happen, hence the farce, the only thing that would happen is that he would be prevented from running for office again. But that wouldn't stop Trump from running again anyway, if he wanted to. Honestly, though, I don't really see another Trump run in 2024, another reason it's a farce. A waste of congress' time just too try to prevent something that wasn't likely to happen anyway.
Why would he run if he can't secure the nomination due to the fact that states can bar is name from being on the ballot on the basis of his Senate censure? So what's he going to do? Have his supporters storm the GOP 2024 convention using violent force to take the nomination in a manner similar to his attempt to use force to avoid having to give up power?


Well-Known Member
The only reason Democraps are claiming the trial is constitutional is because they know a legitimate court would find him not guilty. It gives them the court they need to trick their ignorant .
So you're saying that the U.S. Senate is an illegitimate court? If so then every seat in the federal court system including SCOTUS is being filled by an illegitimate judge because their nomination was tried and confirmed by an illegitimate U.S. Senate. Ok, we could look into that assertion it you want.


Inordinately Right
Why would he run if he can't secure the nomination due to the fact that states can bar is name from being on the ballot on the basis of his Senate censure? So what's he going to do? Have his supporters storm the GOP 2024 convention using violent force to take the nomination in a manner similar to his attempt to use force to avoid having to give up power?
Lol, your little fictions are hilarious.

He's about to be acquitted.
The sooner you accept that the better for your sanity. Good luck.


Inordinately Right
So you're saying that the U.S. Senate is an illegitimate court? If so then every seat in the federal court system including SCOTUS is being filled by an illegitimate judge because their nomination was tried and confirmed by an illegitimate U.S. Senate. Ok, we could look into that assertion it you want.
Lol, you're being hysterical.
I think you overdosed on MSNBC.
He's about to be acquitted.


Well-Known Member
It's the second impeachment trial where the transcript completely exonerates him. This time, it also happens to be an unconstitutional process.

Democrats really are totally deranged when it comes to Trump.
Weird that dump said that Obama should be impeached over Obamacare. For lying 28 times “you can keep your doctor”.

If lying 28 times “you can keep your doctor“. Is dumps standard for impeachment of an ex-president 3 years after they left office, Dump is in big trouble.