Storming the Capitol


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House managers are going back and building their case on Trump's tweets and public statements made in the weeks leading up to and after the election. Not just on his actions of 1-06. Whether it's going to sway GOP senators not likely but the case is really expanding into what Trump and the RNC did with the 250 million it raised in the weeks following the election as well as whether Trump thanks to his daily intelligence briefing knew about the potential for a violent insurrection and whether or not his words and actions escalated the violence.


Well-Known Member
Clumsy dodge ... Chief Justice John Roberts refused to preside because this Impeachment trial is not Constitutional.
We'll never know whether it is constitutionally allowed because the verdict will be "Not Guilty" and so a lawsuit before the SCOTUS will never take place.
Wrong. SCOTUS offered NO comment regarding WHY Roberts refused to sit on the second trial . The only thing that is known is that he doesn't HAVE to sit in on another one. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate is then next in line.


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When they get done with Dear Leader he won't even be able to get a job as park ranger at Mt. Rushmore let along getting his mug carved on it.
They just don’t get it. It’s his own fault. It’s a good thing the Secretary of the state of Georgia is a real man. If he would have “found more votes” for Trump, he would be knee deep in 💩 right now.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. SCOTUS offered NO comment regarding WHY Roberts refused to sit on the second trial . The only thing that is known is that he doesn't HAVE to sit in on another one. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate is then next in line.
I'd call you an idiot if it wouldn't get me put in BC jail again but it would, so I won't.

I'd just ask you to provide the legal, Constitutional basis for the "fact" you provided.

I'll save you some time, it does not exist and is contrary to

Article 1, Section 3, provides (emphasis added):

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.


Well-Known Member
I'd call you an idiot if it wouldn't get me put in BC jail again but it would, so I won't.

I'd just ask you to provide the legal, Constitutional basis for the "fact" you provided.

I'll save you some time, it does not exist and is contrary to

Article 1, Section 3, provides (emphasis added):
No justice was to preside over an impeachment. “Shall” means must. Since trump is no longer president “ shall” does not apply. But an impeachment still applies if a person wants to seek that office again.