Storming the Capitol

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Right that's all that it's about and if he's acquitted it does not stop the other federal and state investigations from continuing to move forward. And should it result in charges being filed are you going go running to his defense again? After all I was the one who backed a full and complete investigation of Hunter Biden and if he came up on charges he and he alone must answer them.
Hunter Biden isn't any better than anybody else and neither is Donald John Trump.
Man, I hate to break this to you but Trump is a whole lot better than you!


I'm a star
From Bloomberg. Link not working properly:

"Replacing top prosecutors is standard for new administrations as the president seeks to put a stamp on U.S. attorneys’ offices across the country. The timeline for the officials to depart is a matter of weeks.

The decision is expected to affect 56 Senate-confirmed U.S. attorneys. There are 93 U.S. attorneys, according to the Justice Department.

Despite the overhaul, the Biden administration is asking U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware to continue in office. Weiss is overseeing the tax investigation of Hunter Biden, the president’s son. Wilkinson asked Weiss to continue during a Monday night call, according to a department official.

John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, will be asked to step down from that position but will continue in his role as special counsel looking into the origins of the investigation into Trump’s dealings with Russia, the official said.

The Biden administration also is expected to ask Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, to move into an independent role to supervise solely the cases related to the deadly Jan. 6 mob attack at the U.S. Capitol, according to another official."

"In 2017, at the start of the Trump administration, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked 46 U.S. attorneys appointed by President Barack Obama to submit their resignations. Most had to leave their jobs immediately although some were given time to finish their work."

When Trump did this, the leftist media and their partners in the Democrat party threw hissy fits about how that's what dictators do. I was like, uh, every President does that. That was what actually started me down the road to siding with Trump against the liars who were against him. I actually felt the same about Trump as I did about Hillary during the election. The democrats/media changed all that.


Well-Known Member
Not fooled. We have a confession about the fraud and the conspiracy to prevent access to the lawful challenges to the election. Just because you believe lies simply due to repitition doesn't mean I'm going to believe your lies because you keep repeating them. You can't lose a court case that was never tried, why do you keep repeating lies about that?
Which lies? Confession from whom? Which cases weren't tried? Surely you aren't implying none of them were tried, so be specific please - cite them so we can all verify.

So what exactly are you claiming here? That there is a grand cabal? That the entire United States judiciary is in on it?


Well-Known Member

Man, I hate to break this to you but Trump is a whole lot better than you!
News flash! He's not a god but you cluckers worship him as one. And in terms of US law it would appear that you think that a different standard of law and the exceptions therein should apply to DJT. I thought you clucker s were strong proponents of .... "EQUAL justice under the law".

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
News flash! He's not a god but you cluckers worship him as one. And in terms of US law it would appear that you think that a different standard of law and the exceptions therein should apply to DJT. I thought you clucker s were strong proponents of .... "EQUAL justice under the law".
Swoosh - word.jpg


I'm a star
Which lies? Confession from whom? Which cases weren't tried? Surely you aren't implying none of them were tried, so be specific please - cite them so we can all verify.

So what exactly are you claiming here? That there is a grand cabal? That the entire United States judiciary is in on it?

Sorry, forgot which thread this is. I posted an article from Time magazine where they admitted to all of it. A shadowy cabal, their words, not mine. I don't know that the judiciary is "in on it", but the cabal doxxed Sen Hawley for being willing to contest the electors from the contested states. I wonder what they did to judges who were hearing election cases.


Well-Known Member
Right that's all that it's about and if he's acquitted it does not stop the other federal and state investigations from continuing to move forward. And should it result in charges being filed are you going go running to his defense again? After all I was the one who backed a full and complete investigation of Hunter Biden and if he came up on charges he and he alone must answer them. Hunter Biden isn't any better than anybody else and neither is Donald John Trump.
Charges for what?


I'm a star
Which lies? Confession from whom? Which cases weren't tried? Surely you aren't implying none of them were tried, so be specific please - cite them so we can all verify.

So what exactly are you claiming here? That there is a grand cabal? That the entire United States judiciary is in on it?

Also don't really know why you expect me to do all that homework for you. You simply lie about 64 cases being lost, I never asked you to break it down, 'cause you, I, and everyone reading along knows it's a lying, meaningless, leftist media talking point.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

"Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served at NC home with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit"

"After evading attempts for weeks by a civil process server that included being “pursued over state lines,” ex-Donald Trump lawyer Sidney Powell was served with a $1.3 billion lawsuit at her Biltmore Forest home, near Asheville, according to recently filed court papers by Dominion Voting Systems.

Dominion filed the defamation lawsuit against Powell Jan. 8 in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. But attempts to officially serve the Texas-based attorney with the summons took until Jan. 28, said attorneys for the company.

“Powell evaded service of process for weeks, forcing Dominion to incur unnecessary expenses for extraordinary measures to effect service, including hiring private investigators and pursuing Powell across state lines,” according to a Feb. 9 answer to Powell’s request for more time to respond to the complaint.

She is being sued over her false claims that the company, which manufactured electronic voting machines used by some districts in the 2020 election, changed votes for then-President Trump to votes for then-President-elect Joe Biden."

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Too late, the cheaters won!

Latest News - Dominion Files Defamation Suit Against Sidney Powell - Dominion Voting Systems

"From Dominion CEO John Poulos:

"The recent attacks on the democratic process are not singular or isolated events. They are the result of a deliberate and malicious campaign of lies over many months. Sidney Powell and others created and disseminated these lies, assisted and amplified by a range of media platforms.

Lies were told about government election officials, elections workers, and Dominion Voting Systems. Those lies have consequences. They have served to diminish the credibility of U.S. elections. They have subjected officials and Dominion employees to harassment and death threats. And they have severely damaged the reputation of our company.

Today is the first step to restore our good name and faith in elections by holding those responsible to account. We intend to pursue justice vigorously to its rightful end.”

From Dominion legal counsel Thomas Clare, Partner at Clare Locke LLP:

"Ms. Powell lied about the hand audits and recounts of paper ballots that conclusively disprove her claims; she lied about having a recording that does not exist; she manufactured, misrepresented, and cherry-picked evidence to support her false accusations and to conform to her false preconceived storyline; she disregarded and attacked the respected Republicans and election security experts who forcefully rebutted her false claims; and she proffered and misrepresented the obviously unreliable say-so of con artists, conspiracy theorists, armchair experts, and—by her own admission—the associate of a now-deceased Venezuelan dictator who was hostile to American democracy.

And when we put her on formal notice of the facts, told her Dominion employees were receiving death threats because of her false claims, and asked her to retract, she doubled down and continued with her media and fundraising campaign.

In my decades of practice as a defamation lawyer, I have never seen clearer and more convincing evidence of actual malice."


Inordinately Right
Latest News - Dominion Files Defamation Suit Against Sidney Powell - Dominion Voting Systems

"From Dominion CEO John Poulos:

"The recent attacks on the democratic process are not singular or isolated events. They are the result of a deliberate and malicious campaign of lies over many months. Sidney Powell and others created and disseminated these lies, assisted and amplified by a range of media platforms.

Lies were told about government election officials, elections workers, and Dominion Voting Systems. Those lies have consequences. They have served to diminish the credibility of U.S. elections. They have subjected officials and Dominion employees to harassment and death threats. And they have severely damaged the reputation of our company.

Today is the first step to restore our good name and faith in elections by holding those responsible to account. We intend to pursue justice vigorously to its rightful end.”

From Dominion legal counsel Thomas Clare, Partner at Clare Locke LLP:

"Ms. Powell lied about the hand audits and recounts of paper ballots that conclusively disprove her claims; she lied about having a recording that does not exist; she manufactured, misrepresented, and cherry-picked evidence to support her false accusations and to conform to her false preconceived storyline; she disregarded and attacked the respected Republicans and election security experts who forcefully rebutted her false claims; and she proffered and misrepresented the obviously unreliable say-so of con artists, conspiracy theorists, armchair experts, and—by her own admission—the associate of a now-deceased Venezuelan dictator who was hostile to American democracy.

And when we put her on formal notice of the facts, told her Dominion employees were receiving death threats because of her false claims, and asked her to retract, she doubled down and continued with her media and fundraising campaign.

In my decades of practice as a defamation lawyer, I have never seen clearer and more convincing evidence of actual malice."
Lol, they're so butthurt their company is garbage now. Hilarious!


I'm a star

"Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served at NC home with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit"

"After evading attempts for weeks by a civil process server that included being “pursued over state lines,” ex-Donald Trump lawyer Sidney Powell was served with a $1.3 billion lawsuit at her Biltmore Forest home, near Asheville, according to recently filed court papers by Dominion Voting Systems.

Dominion filed the defamation lawsuit against Powell Jan. 8 in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. But attempts to officially serve the Texas-based attorney with the summons took until Jan. 28, said attorneys for the company.

“Powell evaded service of process for weeks, forcing Dominion to incur unnecessary expenses for extraordinary measures to effect service, including hiring private investigators and pursuing Powell across state lines,” according to a Feb. 9 answer to Powell’s request for more time to respond to the complaint.

She is being sued over her false claims that the company, which manufactured electronic voting machines used by some districts in the 2020 election, changed votes for then-President Trump to votes for then-President-elect Joe Biden."

Yep, those are the allegations. I'll be interested in seeing how the case turns out. Fox News filed a motion to dismiss the suit against them based on anti-slapp legislation in New York. I would have thought the lawyers involved would have known what they can get away with saying, but if they did indeed defame, then they'll really deserve what they have coming. We'll see what comes out in the suit.


Well-Known Member
Also don't really know why you expect me to do all that homework for you. You simply lie about 64 cases being lost, I never asked you to break it down, 'cause you, I, and everyone reading along knows it's a lying, meaningless, leftist media talking point.
You realize that these election lawsuits are a matter of public record, correct? That every claim by the Trump campaign, and every judge ruling, can be easily ascertained and shown? So before you continue to embarrass yourself, I want to be clear on exactly what you think I'm lying about. That there weren't 64 cases brought? Or that the judges didn't actually rule against Trump?


Inordinately Right
You realize that these election lawsuits are a matter of public record, correct? That every claim by the Trump campaign, and every judge ruling, can be easily ascertained and shown? So before you continue to embarrass yourself, I want to be clear on exactly what you think I'm lying about. That there weren't 64 cases brought? Or that the judges didn't actually rule against Trump?
Ok list these 64 cases where judges ruled against Trump. While you're at it, list all the election lawsuits brought throughout the spring and summer, since you've got all the facts and all....


I'm a star
You realize that these election lawsuits are a matter of public record, correct? That every claim by the Trump campaign, and every judge ruling, can be easily ascertained and shown? So before you continue to embarrass yourself, I want to be clear on exactly what you think I'm lying about. That there weren't 64 cases brought? Or that the judges didn't actually rule against Trump?

I'm so embarrassed for not parroting lying leftist media talking points. Oh the agony. :lol:

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

"Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump."

"We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again."

"In the Politico piece, Haley expressed anger over Trump's treatment of former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 and said she hasn't spoken with Trump since then. Trump attacked Pence on Twitter that day for doing his duty of presiding over Congress' counting of the Electoral College votes, as the mob of supporters broke into the Capitol hoping to stop the certification, some of whom chanted death threats against Pence.

"When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."


I'm a star
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

"Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump.

"We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again."

"In the Politico piece, Haley expressed anger over Trump's treatment of former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 and said she hasn't spoken with Trump since then. Trump attacked Pence on Twitter that day for doing his duty of presiding over Congress' counting of the Electoral College votes, as the mob of supporters broke into the Capitol hoping to stop the certification, some of whom chanted death threats against Pence.

"When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."

It's the only move they can make to be able to hope to win over any tds voters. I just hope they don't pander too far to the left.