Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Imagine thinking a sitting president is allowed to incite his followers to such rage that a large amount of them marched on the Capitol and stormed it. This cannot stand and Trump should be convicted and barred form ever running for office again.

This is beyond politics. No one, especially a sitting president is immune from consequence. This sets a dangerous precedent for future would be despots who want to overturn the will of the people. I haven't even mentioned the clear dereliction of duty Trump showed when the insurrection was happening. Trump, who swore an oath to defend the constitution and it's people sat back and watch it unfold.


Well-Known Member
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

"Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump."

"We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again."

"In the Politico piece, Haley expressed anger over Trump's treatment of former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 and said she hasn't spoken with Trump since then. Trump attacked Pence on Twitter that day for doing his duty of presiding over Congress' counting of the Electoral College votes, as the mob of supporters broke into the Capitol hoping to stop the certification, some of whom chanted death threats against Pence.

"When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."
GOP party members have two choices . Lineup behind Trump or stay with mainstream GOP. Right now the Trumplicans are winning but the final outcome will be decided by which side can raise the most money.
One report coming out says that one of the reasons McCarthy went down to see Trump this past week was to ask Trump for his donor list. Trump naturally refused believing that he's either not done politically or will use that donor list to remain in full control of the party.
One might hope that what comes out of this debacle would be meaningful campaign finance reform . Unfortunately, the even mention of pulling the campaign cash trough away from those addicted to greed and power will compel them to do whatever they deem necessary to hold onto it . And no better example is what we saw on 1-06-21.

And there's nothing funny or creative about that DIDO.


Well-Known Member
You dig up all the court cases and give your run down of why they support your erroneous claims first. I'll wait.
No, but I will give you a few:

Bowyer et al. vs Ducey et al. Arizona. Ruling: Fraud allegations vague, implausible. Evidence unreliable or irrelevant.

Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar et al. Pennsylvania. Ruling: "This Court has been presented with strained
legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations unsupported by evidence."

Donald J Trump for President vs Hobbs. Arizona. Trump's own lawyers admitted affidavits submitted were spam. Under questioning none of the witnesses indicated they had a basis to believe their vote was improperly counted. Case dismissed.

Kelly v. Pennsylvania. Concerning the legality of universal mail-in voting, affirmed: "The rationale for the decision was that the Republicans were challenging the law too late; they had been able to challenge the law since it came into force in October 2019, but only filed the lawsuit when the results of the November 2020 election were "becoming seemingly apparent."

Obviously you're well aware I'm not going to look through and post all 60+ cases - but suffice to say, since the election results were not overturned, it's safe to assume the rulings did not go in your side's favor. However you're free to rebut me with any cases of your own where fraud or unconstitutionality are proven.

The United States Judiciary branch uniformly and decisively rejected your camp's claims of fraud and illegality. Period. Cry to your friends, blame the media if you like, but that will do nothing to change the facts: Trump got his fanny spanked. Not only that, his incompetence cost him the house in 2018, and the Senate in 2020. Great legacy, indeed.


I'm a star
No, but I will give you a few:

Bowyer et al. vs Ducey et al. Arizona. Ruling: Fraud allegations vague, implausible. Evidence unreliable or irrelevant.

Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar et al. Pennsylvania. Ruling: "This Court has been presented with strained
legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations unsupported by evidence."

Donald J Trump for President vs Hobbs. Arizona. Trump's own lawyers admitted affidavits submitted were spam. Under questioning none of the witnesses indicated they had a basis to believe their vote was improperly counted. Case dismissed.

Kelly v. Pennsylvania. Concerning the legality of universal mail-in voting, affirmed: "The rationale for the decision was that the Republicans were challenging the law too late; they had been able to challenge the law since it came into force in October 2019, but only filed the lawsuit when the results of the November 2020 election were "becoming seemingly apparent."

Obviously you're well aware I'm not going to look through and post all 60+ cases - but suffice to say, since the election results were not overturned, it's safe to assume the rulings did not go in your side's favor. However you're free to rebut me with any cases of your own where fraud or unconstitutionality are proven.

The United States Judiciary branch uniformly and decisively rejected your camp's claims of fraud and illegality. Period. Cry to your friends, blame the media if you like, but that will do nothing to change the facts: Trump got his fanny spanked. Not only that, his incompetence cost him the house in 2018, and the Senate in 2020. Great legacy, indeed.

One of those you posted actually undermines your whole argument. Kelly v. Pennsylvania. The laches doctrine is a legal cop out. If challenges to the law were made before damages, it would have been dismissed for no standing. Once the damage is done, it's too late, sorry, can't unboil the egg. Even if it were too late to allow the judge to make any decisions that would affect the outcome of this election (completely absurd), why not hear it and rule on the merits for the future?

In Trump v Boockvar the court decided not rejecting ballots that didn't match signature files was ok. Boy, if Illinois felt the same way, Obama would never have been senator or president. What's the reasoning for not allowing signature challenges in a Presidential election? That sounds completely up and up.

You picked your 4 strongest cases to support your parroting leftist media lies, one is the perfect example of my argument, another you would scream about the decision if it was your guy. I'll tell you what, I'll just give you the other two so you can feel ok about the time and effort you put in coming up with those.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
They backed off when GOP countered with threat of calling Pelosi. Dems will just introduce that one guy's hearsay statement into evidence instead. They should end the farce later today.
This was a total waste of time as predicted. The votes are in and once again the Democrats failed.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This was a total waste of time as predicted. The votes are in and once again the Democrats failed.
Republicans were jurors that already made up their minds before the trial. I’m not sure why you frame that as a democratic failure. The house managers made a solid compelling case to the American people. Democrats can’t control the complete moral depravity of senate Republicans.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Imagine thinking a sitting president is allowed to incite his followers to such rage that a large amount of them marched on the Capitol and stormed it. This cannot stand and Trump should be convicted and barred form ever running for office again.

This is beyond politics. No one, especially a sitting president is immune from consequence. This sets a dangerous precedent for future would be despots who want to overturn the will of the people. I haven't even mentioned the clear dereliction of duty Trump showed when the insurrection was happening. Trump, who swore an oath to defend the constitution and it's people sat back and watch it unfold.
dont worry cancel culture captain the war is not over yet. you may attack him through the judicial or civil process. Fight on great TDS warrior. Regale us with your obsession.


Well-Known Member
Turtle boy made a great speech to end the Senate trial!
You talking about McConnel? He launched into a scathing condemnation of Trump, the worst I ever heard from a Republican.....THEN HE VOTES TO ACQUIT HIM ANYWAY!.....LMFAO! So what does this mean? It means the DJT Jr, was right The GOP really and truly is Donald Trump's party, Donald Trump's political hotel and the GOP Senate and House members who voted for acquittal and against impeachment....Trump's just allowing them to rent rooms there.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Trump Now Most Acquitted President In History

U.S.—Donald Trump made history once again today after being acquitted in his second Senate impeachment trial. He is now the most acquitted president in American history.

Donald Trump issued a statement regarding this incredible honor.

"I have been completely and totally cleared of all wrongdoing in this pathetic witchhunt sham impeachment trial," said Trump. "I am now the most acquitted president ever -- even more than Clinton. No president has ever been acquitted more than I have. Will I get the credit? Probably not, because of the fake news media. I am looking forward to continuing our MAGA movement together for many more acquittals to come!"
