Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

"Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump."

"We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again."

"In the Politico piece, Haley expressed anger over Trump's treatment of former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 and said she hasn't spoken with Trump since then. Trump attacked Pence on Twitter that day for doing his duty of presiding over Congress' counting of the Electoral College votes, as the mob of supporters broke into the Capitol hoping to stop the certification, some of whom chanted death threats against Pence.

"When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."
Pretty stupid to do an interview with Politico. It's leftist trash looking to twist anything they can to make moderate politicians look bad.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You're the guy who was happy Robinette won the nomination because he was so "moderate". How's that working out for you?
Nope. I've always argued against @It will be fine 's assertion that he wouldn't be controlled by the hard left. But I did vote for Biden because Trump needed to go. Voted for Gabbard in the Democratic primary.

Plenty of reasonable Republicans believe Trumpism is destructive to the long-term viability of the Republican party.

Haley 2024!


Strength through joy
Democraps are so butthurt Trump is about to be acquitted of another one of their deranged bogus impeachment charges.

Once the Articles of Impeachment was voted on, why didn't the House Managers consult with other legal and police agencies to solidify their case ?
They set themselves up for failure, again, by not doing a complete background survey of the charges they wanted to present.
They failed on the charge of Intent, providing no real evidence to back up their claim.
Thus without it , their whole case is moot.


Inordinately Right
Once the Articles of Impeachment was voted on, why didn't the House Managers consult with other legal and police agencies to solidify their case ?
They set themselves up for failure, again, by not doing a complete background survey of the charges they wanted to present.
They failed on the charge of Intent, providing no real evidence to back up their claim.
Thus without it , their whole case is moot.
They are deranged with hatred for Trump.
They have been for almost 5 years.

They impeached him saying his speech incited an insurrection. Days later it comes out that the attackers planned it weeks before the speech. The whole thing is based on a faulty premise.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
New details about Trump-McCarthy shouting match show Trump refused to call off the rioters

“In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did.

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," Trump said, according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.

McCarthy insisted that the rioters were Trump's supporters and begged Trump to call them off.

Trump's comment set off what Republican lawmakers familiar with the call described as a shouting match between the two men. A furious McCarthy told the President the rioters were breaking into his office through the windows, and asked Trump, "Who the friend--k do you think you are talking to?" according to a Republican lawmaker familiar with the call.”

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP

"Former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directly criticized former President Donald Trump for his involvement stoking the US Capitol riot in a new interview, a notable condemnation from someone who is widely viewed as harboring presidential hopes in a party that is still in thrall to Trump."

"We need to acknowledge he let us down," she told Politico magazine in an interview published Friday. "He went down a path he shouldn't have, and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him. And we can't let that ever happen again."

"In the Politico piece, Haley expressed anger over Trump's treatment of former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 and said she hasn't spoken with Trump since then. Trump attacked Pence on Twitter that day for doing his duty of presiding over Congress' counting of the Electoral College votes, as the mob of supporters broke into the Capitol hoping to stop the certification, some of whom chanted death threats against Pence.

"When I tell you I'm angry, it's an understatement," Haley told Politico. "Mike has been nothing but loyal to that man. He's been nothing but a good friend of that man. ... I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I'm disgusted by it."
I hope so!
Trump opened up windows into the swamp of DC Politics but his persona was just too YANKEE!


Well-Known Member
New details about Trump-McCarthy shouting match show Trump refused to call off the rioters

“In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did.

"Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," Trump said, according to lawmakers who were briefed on the call afterward by McCarthy.

McCarthy insisted that the rioters were Trump's supporters and begged Trump to call them off.

Trump's comment set off what Republican lawmakers familiar with the call described as a shouting match between the two men. A furious McCarthy told the President the rioters were breaking into his office through the windows, and asked Trump, "Who the friend--k do you think you are talking to?" according to a Republican lawmaker familiar with the call.”
Gee didnt hear that presented in the house hearsay evidence presentation. was this a wapo or NY times story?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
"Who the friend--k do you think you are talking to?"

Did the "Republican lawmaker familiar with the call" say what Trump's response was to this?
I think "Go friend--k yourself " would have fit well.

Probably a little late to "call off" an event that was organized since November anyway.


Well-Known Member
"The newly revealed details of the call, described to CNN by multiple Republicans briefed on it"

McCarthy has spoken of the call as well.

when democrat rioters attacked and destroyed a police station and put many police officers in danger your leaders alibied it and looked the other way.
when pissed off voters came into the capital politicians suddenly got a little uncomfortable.

I would have loved to have been able to ask a question in yesterdays QandA session.
My question to the house prosecuters would have been the following:

Our county was founded by patriots fighting the tyranny of government. At one point is it ok for todays patriots to do the same.
what criteria would you use to support such an uprising in todays world.


Staff member
Anyone on the BC is free to answer this.
What could / would the government do that would motivate you to say, "That's it, I'm going to DC, they are not getting by with this."
If the federal government declared martial law and suspended elections, something along those lines. I'm ok with losing elections as long as we keep having elections, which is clearly not the case for some folks.