Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Imagine thinking a sitting president is allowed to incite his followers to such rage that a large amount of them marched on the Capitol and stormed it. This cannot stand and Trump should be convicted and barred form ever running for office again.

This is beyond politics. No one, especially a sitting president is immune from consequence. This sets a dangerous precedent for future would be despots who want to overturn the will of the people. I haven't even mentioned the clear dereliction of duty Trump showed when the insurrection was happening. Trump, who swore an oath to defend the constitution and it's people sat back and watch it unfold.
If he was as guilty as you say then why did the House managers feel compelled to edit his words on video to steer the senators in a certain direction? The defense showed the complete video which had a very different outcome then what the House managers tried to make everyone believe.


Well-Known Member
Republicans were jurors that already made up their minds before the trial. I’m not sure why you frame that as a democratic failure. The house managers made a solid compelling case to the American people. Democrats can’t control the complete moral depravity of senate Republicans.
The trial was presided over by Patrick Leahy who said before it started he was going to get Trump convicted. How's that for impartiality?


Well-Known Member
Republicans were jurors that already made up their minds before the trial. I’m not sure why you frame that as a democratic failure. The house managers made a solid compelling case to the American people. Democrats can’t control the complete moral depravity of senate Republicans.
You don't make a compelling case by selectively editing video then get exposed for doctoring said video.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You talking about McConnel? He launched into a scathing condemnation of Trump, the worst I ever heard from a Republican.....THEN HE VOTES TO ACQUIT HIM ANYWAY!.....LMFAO! So what does this mean? It means the DJT Jr, was right The GOP really and truly is Donald Trump's party, Donald Trump's political hotel and the GOP Senate and House members who voted for acquittal and against impeachment....Trump's just allowing them to rent rooms there.
The trial to remove the President from office after he is no longer in office is unconstitutional..
The rationale and logic is impeccable!
Dumb DemWits shoot themselves in the foot again.
They’re so pathetic substituting emotions for logic.


Well-Known Member
I don’t expect enemies of the republic to agree with me and the rest of the patriotic Americans. Have fun worshipping your one term loser.
Gee, seems every time Dems don't get their way they sound especially bitter. Can we look forward to even more bogus attempts to attack Trump in the future to satisfy your need to get even with him for shocking the hell out of you in 2016?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Gee, seems every time Dems don't get their way they sound especially bitter. Can we look forward to even more bogus attempts to attack Trump in the future to satisfy your need to get even with him for shocking the hell out of you in 2016?
My guess is he fades away like every other one term loser. He may run again and if he loses the primary I expect another angry mob to attack the Republican convention.


I'm a star
As is historical precedent, they rejected the trial as unconstitutional. Deal with it leftie.

As if the democrats hadn't already made up their minds. Hard to pretend to occupy the high ground when you've dug yourself down to rock bottom. SMH. Do these people actually believe the diarrhea spewing out of their mouths? Or do they realize how ridiculous and unbelievable they are and just hope they might fool people who are even less intelligent than them?


Well-Known Member
If he was as guilty as you say then why did the House managers feel compelled to edit his words on video to steer the senators in a certain direction? The defense showed the complete video which had a very different outcome then what the House managers tried to make everyone believe.
McConnell the highest ranking GOP official made it perfectly clear that the House managers unquestionably proved their case but due to a jurisdiction technicality had to let him go. The only problem with that is that he CREATED the technicality by refusing to accept the articles of impeachment until AFTER the inauguration .
If you want to go chasing after Dear leader now that he's out of office be my guest. As McConnell plainly stated Dear Leader may be out of office but he's not out of the woods. Not by a long shot but at the same time he didn't lose. What will be lost is the many years of freedom his supporters might lose in prison while he's golfing and drinking Coke's at Mari Logo .