Storming the Capitol

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Saying "yet" the second time suggests he thinks Trump will ultimately "get away" with "anything".


Inordinately Right
Trump has privately voiced concern about being charged related to January 6 riot

“Former President Donald Trump has privately voiced concern in the last two weeks about whether he could face charges as a result of the January 6 riot he's accused of inciting, according to multiple people.

Trump has mainly been quiet since leaving the White House last month, and his silence has been in part related to those concerns.

"He's worried about it," one adviser close to Trump told CNN.”

“CNN has previously reported that federal investigators could look at everyone involved in the unrest at the US Capitol, including the role Trump played in inciting the crowd, according to the acting US attorney in Washington.

Asked directly by a reporter in January if investigators were looking at the role Trump played at the rally, acting US Attorney Michael Sherwin had said, "We're looking at all actors here and anyone that had a role and, if the evidence fits the elements of the crime, they're going to be charged."
I'm really curious if the idiots who believe these fake anonymous sources CNN hit pieces will ever come to the realization how stupid they are.

Probably not.

El Correcto

god is dead
Turtle said he was guilty. Ttku..
Wdfd. That ain’t a court of law and the dude ain’t guilty. He will never serve a single day in jail over any of this. I know you lefties hate freedom of speech and Trump voicing his concern over the election results, but it isn’t criminal... yet.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Wdfd. That ain’t a court of law and the dude ain’t guilty. He will never serve a single day in jail over any of this. I know you lefties hate freedom of speech and Trump voicing his concern over the election results, but it isn’t criminal... yet.
He wasn’t criminally tried. How long do you guys pretend to keep liking Trump? He was a huge loser that will have little lasting impact. A sane political party would have moved on already. How long will the republicans bow to their false god?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The preamble by Trump's lawyer and the accompanying video of the Democrat's incendiary words Pelosi, Schumer,Waters, and others showed their rank hypocrisy.This was nothing but political theater from the start with the outcome all but certain and wasting our money. Time for term limits as our founders envisioned. Some of these jerks have never had a real job including our esteemed president and friend of the working man, Biden. To quote Dickens "I will retire to Bedlam"

El Correcto

god is dead
He wasn’t criminally tried. How long do you guys pretend to keep liking Trump? He was a huge loser that will have little lasting impact. A sane political party would have moved on already. How long will the republicans bow to their false god?
Defending Trump? I just exposing how stupid you people are thinking you are going to put him in jail for free speech.


Well-Known Member
That's why he texted his brother that he was alright, just got pepper sprayed a couple times? His head injury caused amnesia and he forgot that he was pushed around enough to obtain internal injuries.

The legal standard for incitement is a clear and imminent call to action. Even editing out the "peaceful" you still don't have anything.
I am talking about civil cases.
EX OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder but was liable for the 2 deaths.


Well-Known Member
He wasn’t criminally tried. How long do you guys pretend to keep liking Trump? He was a huge loser that will have little lasting impact. A sane political party would have moved on already. How long will the republicans bow to their false god?

99 percent of the so called evidence used in this sham impeachment would never stand the scrutiny of a real court. Good luck chasing the criminal unicorn.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Feel free to quote Trump inciting violence whenever you are ready little sheep.
Why would I care. The guy is a loser. The house managers put up a nice clean case that was compelling. That’s enough for me. Nothing would be enough for Trump’s faithful religious followers. How long do you continue to worship him? Do you give up when the tax cuts get reversed?

El Correcto

god is dead
Why would I care. The guy is a loser. The house managers put up a nice clean case that was compelling. That’s enough for me. Nothing would be enough for Trump’s faithful religious followers. How long do you continue to worship him? Do you give up when the tax cuts get reversed?
You quoting him compelling people to commit violent acts on the Capitol would be enough for me.
But you can’t, because he didn’t. Bah bah little sheep.