Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.
Are you referring to the prosecutors responsible for colluding to suppress evidence? I wonder why they wouldn't want to sign the motion to dismiss. Mystifying. Even though you are getting a very slanted and factually questionable version of events, I'm glad you are at least taking the time to learn more and have a more reasonable conversation about it.
Never any proof that these prosecutors colluded on :censored2:.

The Driver

I drive.
Are you referring to the prosecutors responsible for colluding to suppress evidence? I wonder why they wouldn't want to sign the motion to dismiss. Mystifying. Even though you are getting a very slanted and factually questionable version of events, I'm glad you are at least taking the time to learn more and have a more reasonable conversation about it.
Why do you suppose Flynn stuck his hand out and agreed to work with prosecutors for a whole year? Innocent men do not do this.

Face it. Flynn was trying to reassure the Russians about sanctions and the FBI was running counterintelligence on it. Flynn screwed up. There's a LOT more to this saga that we never got to learn, I believe.


Legio patria nostra


I'm a star
Why do you suppose Flynn stuck his hand out and agreed to work with prosecutors for a whole year? Innocent men do not do this.

Face it. Flynn was trying to reassure the Russians about sanctions and the FBI was running counterintelligence on it. Flynn screwed up. There's a LOT more to this saga that we never got to learn, I believe.

When your political persecution has left you bankrupt with no recourse, and your reputation has been smeared, I guess some people will take any life line that comes their way.

Just like I wasn't too sorry for what happened to Chauvin when he plead guilty, I'm also not too sorry for Flynn. He should never have plead guilty, even if they were blackmailing him with threats of manufacturing charges against his son.

I think there's a lot of information about a lot of things that isn't being made available to the average person. If I were a betting man, however, I wouldn't put money on the institutional narrative of anything being true.


Well-Known Member
Why do you suppose Flynn stuck his hand out and agreed to work with prosecutors for a whole year? Innocent men do not do this.

Face it. Flynn was trying to reassure the Russians about sanctions and the FBI was running counterintelligence on it. Flynn screwed up. There's a LOT more to this saga that we never got to learn, I believe.
And yet Flynn was never charged with anything but lying to the FBI. Dead to rights, huh?


I'm a star
And yet Flynn was never charged with anything but lying to the FBI. Dead to rights, huh?

His answer was "I don't remember" when asked about something on his security clearance check, which was filled out by his attorneys. He was running an international security firm when he had made the contact in question. There was no legal issues with what he was being asked about.

Biden suggested going after him on the Logan act, which was written soon after the founding of the nation to prevent British Loyalists from infiltrating the US government. Literally no one has ever been convicted under that act.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
His answer was "I don't remember" when asked about something on his security clearance check, which was filled out by his attorneys. He was running an international security firm when he had made the contact in question. There was no legal issues with what he was being asked about.

Biden suggested going after him on the Logan act, which was written soon after the founding of the nation to prevent British Loyalists from infiltrating the US government. Literally no one has ever been convicted under that act.
Flynn Stormed the Capitol?


I'm a star
Flynn Stormed the Capitol?

If he had, Trump would still be President, and all the swamp creatures would be sitting in Gitmo. :laughing:

The subject came up because of a clip of Flynn, in which it sounds like he was saying we should have a coup like in Myanmar. He claimed it was a grammar issue.

Wrestler guy: "is there any reason we can't have a coup like in minamar [sic]?"

Flynn version 1: "There's no reason. We should have a coup here."

Flynn version 2: "There's no reason we should have a coup here."

Version 1 sounds much more like what he said, and the crowd sure seemed to hear it that way.

The way Flynn has been treated suggests to me that the establishment thinks he's a threat to their power. I'm not an advocate of a violent coup, but there is clearly a massive and self-perpetuating corruption issue in the government that needs to be addressed. If anyone can accomplish that end, I am for them. Trump and Flynn have not proven themselves capable of carrying out such a feat. At best, they've helped to shine a light on it.

The Driver

I drive.
If he had, Trump would still be President, and all the swamp creatures would be sitting in Gitmo. :laughing:

The subject came up because of a clip of Flynn, in which it sounds like he was saying we should have a coup like in Myanmar. He claimed it was a grammar issue.

Wrestler guy: "is there any reason we can't have a coup like in minamar [sic]?"

Flynn version 1: "There's no reason. We should have a coup here."

Flynn version 2: "There's no reason we should have a coup here."

Version 1 sounds much more like what he said, and the crowd sure seemed to hear it that way.

The way Flynn has been treated suggests to me that the establishment thinks he's a threat to their power. I'm not an advocate of a violent coup, but there is clearly a massive and self-perpetuating corruption issue in the government that needs to be addressed. If anyone can accomplish that end, I am for them. Trump and Flynn have not proven themselves capable of carrying out such a feat. At best, they've helped to shine a light on it.
Man, you dance HARD for the authoritarians, don't you?

Listen to Flynn's inflection. "It should happen here." He puts a small emphasis on "should". Nobody talks like that unless they mean what it seems like they mean.

Now, do you support this? Do you support the forceful overthrow of a lawfully ordered government by the democratic will of the people?


Well-Known Member
Man, you dance HARD for the authoritarians, don't you?

Listen to Flynn's inflection. "It should happen here." He puts a small emphasis on "should". Nobody talks like that unless they mean what it seems like they mean.

Now, do you support this? Do you support the forceful overthrow of a lawfully ordered government by the democratic will of the people?
He wasn't charged for that. And he was, as many millions were at the time, expressing an opinion, which is Constitutionally guaranteed. It's people like you, who don't like anyone saying anything out loud but what they think is allowable, who have an authoritarian bent. By the way the surest way to make someone angry with the government and want to overthrow it is to ruin them financially and threaten their family. Something that Democrats seem fine with as long as the person that's done to is a conservative white male. You reap what you sow.

The Driver

I drive.
He wasn't charged for that. And he was, as many millions were at the time, expressing an opinion, which is Constitutionally guaranteed. It's people like you, who don't like anyone saying anything out loud but what they think is allowable, who have an authoritarian bent. By the way the surest way to make someone angry with the government and want to overthrow it is to ruin them financially and threaten their family. Something that Democrats seem fine with as long as the person that's done to is a conservative white male. You reap what you sow.
Are you defending this fantasy of a coup d’etat in America?


I'm a star
Man, you dance HARD for the authoritarians, don't you?

Listen to Flynn's inflection. "It should happen here." He puts a small emphasis on "should". Nobody talks like that unless they mean what it seems like they mean.

Now, do you support this? Do you support the forceful overthrow of a lawfully ordered government by the democratic will of the people?

I don't think you even read the post you responded to. But your virtue signalling is top notch, don't let anyone deny you that.

All that aside, I can separate what happened to Flynn in court, and what he may or may not have said at a political rally.