Storming the Capitol


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
And when facts and sources culminate in a damaging story to Trump then it’s just a fake endeavor?
You really don't follow the news on how they got some of that damaging information do you? Hillary Clinton was and is the main source for Russian stuff.

Netsua 3:16

And when facts and sources culminate in a damaging story to Trump then it’s just a fake endeavor?
From inheritance brat (1 million when he turned 18)
To slumlord
To draft dodger
To failed business man
To successful business man
To failed business man
To reality tv star
To WWE character
@DriveInDriveOut’s hero

The Driver

I drive.
And of course you're sophisticated and anyone who disagrees with you is a rube.
I believe in the free press and its importance to a free society.

I will never call the free press untainted or perfect. But I’ve debated many a right-winger that has argued for its total destruction and outlawing. Nothing is more dangerous.
"Why does no one ridicule this madness properly? Instead of flatly repeating "false claims of fraud with no cases or evidence," try something different? Ridicule the fundamental premise. "ALL these cases of supposed "steal" happened in states that were run and operated by the GOP! Republican governors, legislatures and especially Secretaries of State, many of whom HAVE done lots of electoral cheating -- FOR the GOP. To the extent either party "controlled" electoral processes in those states, it was Republicans.
So what's their scenario? That:...
...all over the nation a secret cabal of at least 50 Democratic MAYORS, simultaneously and with perfectly disciplined precision and without leaving a single verifiable trace, rigged ten million votes out of thin air, under the very noses of fervently-GOP state governments that had all the real power.
Disciplined ... DEMOCRATS? Have you ever seen democrats? The GOP is the most-tightly disciplined partisan force in US history but... democrats?
As in every other phase of the ongoing US civil war, there's a good side and a confederate side. But alas, while our Union generals may be good people... they have all of the agility and imagination of a stone."

David Brin


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Also there are a few posters in here that have a lifestyle like hunter and Joe biden, and Jeffrey epstein, and you get the picture. It amazes me some of the more vocal ones are the ones that have the darkest closets.


Well-Known Member
I believe in the free press and its importance to a free society.

I will never call the free press untainted or perfect. But I’ve debated many a right-winger that has argued for its total destruction and outlawing. Nothing is more dangerous.
I've never argued for that. I have seen many retractions after false allegations made against conservatives. I've seen complete misrepresentations of events to push a false narrative. Examples? George Zimmerman and Nicholas Sandmann, just two of many. What I want is honest reporting. Is that too much to ask?


Staff member
I've never argued for that. I have seen many retractions after false allegations made against conservatives. I've seen complete misrepresentations of events to push a false narrative. Examples? George Zimmerman and Nicholas Sandmann, just two of many. What I want is honest reporting. Is that too much to ask?
To answer that I have to ask, who won the 2020 presidential election?


Well-Known Member
Trump and associates damage themselves plenty without outside help.
Getting FISA warrants was pretty much based on the phony Steele dossier. And Comey and company still used it after finding out it was phony to get further warrants. They lied to the court. You seem to be in denial about the lengths partisans went to have Trump removed. It was a soft coup attempt. This was the basis of the anger that drove people to storm the Capitol building.

The Driver

I drive.
Getting FISA warrants was pretty much based on the phony Steele dossier. And Comey and company still used it after finding out it was phony to get further warrants. They lied to the court. You seem to be in denial about the lengths partisans went to have Trump removed. It was a soft coup attempt. This was the basis of the anger that drove people to storm the Capitol building.
You don’t understand what intelligence gathering really is and what agencies do with it.