Storming the Capitol


Staff member
Here is my breakdown on what was released today.

That’s you? Breaking it all down? Should you need a lawyer someday, don’t be you own.

Interesting that when the “BLM did it!” fell apart, now it’s the “FBI did it!”.

Republicans blocked the congressional investigation. Imagine if they didn’t and then they could get the name of the shooter out there!

Is it really that hard to believe that there are violent right wing racists in the country? Hard to believe that they are Trump supporters? C’mon man.


Well-Known Member

Seems like Putin is spewing propaganda that Tucker is inseminating. Or is it the other way around?
We still haven't been told who shot her.


I'm a star

"Audits and recounts are an essential part of our voting system, but what’s happening in Arizona isn’t. The state Senate that ordered the process is calling it an audit, and all the ballots are being recounted, but it’s not really an audit or a recount — it’s a partisan inquisition. Conducted by a company founded by an election-fraud conspiracy theorist and Trump supporter, the process is funded mostly by Trump loyalists and fails to meet any of the standards required for official recounts or audits by state law. The process indulges the fantasies of the most extreme political fringe while ignoring the fact that there is zero evidence of any election fraud to warrant such intense scrutiny. The result will almost certainly not be the greater transparency Republican state senators claim they seek. The review — and others like it — may instead further erode trust in our elections. "

"The GOP state senators who ordered the review have been battling local election officials since November over the results. Even after the majority-Republican Maricopa County Board of Supervisors hired two separate, independent firms to perform a forensic audit of the voting equipment used — an audit which found no irregularities — the state Senate was unsatisfied. Using its subpoena powers to seize the ballots from the local board, the state Senate hired Cyber Ninjas to conduct the “audit.” Notably, the firm has never performed any kind of election audit, and its founder and CEO, Doug Logan, has publicly supported Trump and shared election-fraud conspiracy posts. FiveThirtyEight reached out to a spokesperson for Cyber Ninjas, but he did not respond to our questions."

All claims, no evidence. I could just as easily say it really is an audit, and anyone who claims its not knows the election was rigged and is trying to establish plausible deniability for the results they know are coming.

Seriously, if one party cheated, wouldn't it have to be a partisan inquisition? SMH.


I'm a star
Such settling footage 😂

This is a claim with very weak evidence. These editorialists say that this is absolutely a Q anon oath, and use the "where we go one we go all" quote to make that absolute claim. That's not an uncommon phrase, and is closely related to the military saying of "no man left behind". Q mythology incorporates military culture, so it's not that shocking or suspicious that a career military guy may say something on camera that is also used by the Q movement. Based on the standard used by those media outlets, Streetlight Manifesto's "We Will Fall Together" is absolutely Q Anon message.

I only briefly watched the short, out of context, clip from the MSNBC video, and haven't searched for the full video. Was that his family with him? Your claim was that he had his wife and family take "the oath", but that's not the impression I got from that clip.

As for his adding the qanon hashtag to his twitter, I don't use twitter, I don't understand twitter, I don't care about Twitter, so I don't know what that means, or how Flynn is using that. But let's just assume for a second that Flynn isn't a cult leader, and originally had nothing to do with Q or q anon. Could it be possible that he sees that the people who are into Q are generally good people who care about their country, and has decided to try to co-opt what could be a CIA or FBI psy-op, and try to influence these people away from the crazy aspects of Q anon? Who knows?

Flynn was a part of Trump's cabinet, of course he has ties to others in the cabinet. Trump originally condemned Flynn when he plead guilty. If you want to get some good info on the legal aspects of his case, check out Viva Frei on Youtube, he has a whole play list of videos where he breaks down the whole case from early on to the pardon.

I don't know everything that is happening, but from what I do know, it seems that people I don't find trustworthy see/saw Flynn as a threat. He may not be trustworthy, either. He and Trump may well be making their own power plays, and abusing the trust of regular people to make them. That's just as likely to me as anything else. But the establishment is too powerful, and anything that threatens that power, in my view, can't be all bad.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Guess something did stop her. Whoops.

“On January 5, Babbitt responded to a tweet that said: "A lot of flights into DC are being canceled with no bad weather. The entire world is corrupt."

"Nothing will stop us," she responded. "They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!"


Well-Known Member
Guess something did stop her. Whoops.

“On January 5, Babbitt responded to a tweet that said: "A lot of flights into DC are being canceled with no bad weather. The entire world is corrupt."

"Nothing will stop us," she responded. "They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!"
The musings of an enthusiastic protester. Should she have been shot for that?


Inordinately Right
Guess something did stop her. Whoops.

“On January 5, Babbitt responded to a tweet that said: "A lot of flights into DC are being canceled with no bad weather. The entire world is corrupt."

"Nothing will stop us," she responded. "They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!"
“Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances"
Hilary Clinton