Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.
So are you making * up or lying?
I have never stated anything about “the blue”.
That cop was freaking out and murdered that girl.
Next time a crazed woman of any stripe with a backpack comes through my broken window with a mob of angry people behind her is the time feels the full brunt of my Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun.

She was a lunatic and played with fire. She got burned.


Staff member
Holy Christ!
You’re going to deny there were no uniformed cops in that hallway that actually stepped away from the glass doors to give her room?
Holy Christ!
Moved aside for the tactical team that was coming in. Oh. That part doesn’t fit what you want? You would believe that the uniformed officers moved aside so that gave Ashli and others free reign to do whatever they wanted?

I asked you what the officers were doing. Would you like to try again to spin your ridiculous narrative?


Legio patria nostra
Moved aside for the tactical team that was coming in. Oh. That part doesn’t fit what you want? You would believe that the uniformed officers moved aside so that gave Ashli and others free reign to do whatever they wanted?

I asked you what the officers were doing. Would you like to try again to spin your ridiculous narrative?
Look genius….I assume you viewed the same video I did, but you can’t see the obvious.
I’m not going to try to educate you.
Centuries have proven it can’t be done.


Legio patria nostra
Tell me what'd you do if a mob of hundreds showed up at your door and breaking your windows and anyone at all makes it through into your house. Do you defend yourself and your family?

You blow their *ing head off. So shut up.
You talk pretty tough for a flaming gay liberal.
There’s a difference that if you removed your head from your arse, you’d see…Dope.

The Driver

I drive.
You talk pretty tough for a flaming gay liberal.
There’s a difference that if you removed your head from your arse, you’d see…Dope.
I don't need to talk tough. Someone comes through my window with a mob behind them and they're going to find out really fast what consequences follow.

Don't you have Busch to drink and Putin to jack off to?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Tax evasion. Trillions of dollars go untaxed. Not up for debate.
Yep, there are hundreds upon hundreds of whites, rioting and ransacking neighborhood H&R Block offices.

And then there’s you, justifying looting and burning down businesses because of tax dodgers.

I happen to know that ‘your people’ also evade taxes. That makes you guilty of double dipping.