Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
There wer a lot of small businesses that went under when he screwed up the response to COVID, because he was making deals with the Chinese, and funneling relief money to his pals.

Have you paid your back taxes, or are you a fugitive planning on fleeing to Argentina?
Cool conspiracy theory.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Is that why the poorest states are red States?🤣
Black states actually.
You mean southern states.


Well-Known Member
There wer a lot of small businesses that went under when he screwed up the response to COVID, because he was making deals with the Chinese, and funneling relief money to his pals.

Have you paid your back taxes, or are you a fugitive planning on fleeing to Argentina?
There were a lot of small businesses that went under because governors and mayors in almost exclusively Democratic controlled cities and states implemented draconian measures that greatly benefited big business. That however doesn't take away from the fact that in the three previous years there was a lot of growth due to Trump's pro business policies.

My taxes will be paid and I will be in good standing. Not talking about a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
Blacks don't vote republican in those states. Ttku..
Black people aren't even the majority. There are 30% at most of those states, and the white Americans in those states are much poorer than white Americans in other states, they are less educated, have shorter life spans, etc and so on. It's not necessarily because they are ran by republicans that they are poorer, its because they have this racist ideology that doesn't invest in their own citizens because they are trying to hurt the black citizens of those states. So they have lower pay, worse working conditions, worse schools, less educated populations, poorer health, etc.


Well-Known Member
Black people aren't even the majority. There are 30% at most of those states, and the white Americans in those states are much poorer than white Americans in other states, they are less educated, have shorter life spans, etc and so on. It's not necessarily because they are ran by republicans that they are poorer, its because they have this racist ideology that doesn't invest in their own citizens because they are trying to hurt the black citizens of those states. So they have lower pay, worse working conditions, worse schools, less educated populations, poorer health, etc.
You obviously haven't been to a lot of those states. Whites in general do fine and quite a few do very well.


Well-Known Member
Related to southern states being poor, my grandfather was from Mississippi, and he moved up near chicago when he started a family for better job opportunities and higher pay, but he never liked it up here and as soon as he could, he retired from the steel mills and he moved back there. But all his children and grandchildren stayed near chicago. So he would always try to get us to move to Mississippi, and I seriously thought about it when I was a young adult, I liked certain aspects of Mississippi, plus our family has a lot of land, and I thought I could build a house on that land, but what I quickly realized there were zero jobs, or only very low paying jobs. There was a Nissan plant like 75 miles away from where my grandfather lived and it paid terrible at least back when I was looking at it. It became very clear that the people in Mississippi on average are much poorer than in Illinois and that's not because the people in Illinois are better, but because you have a real chance to make some money which is why my grandfather came here in the first place. I like certain aspects of Mississippi, but man is it economically poor.