Storming the Capitol


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Cut him some slack. He either heard it from donald or tucker. And if they're lying about that imagine what else they've been lying to him about.



Well-Known Member
Cut him some slack. He either heard it from donald or tucker. And if they're lying about that imagine what else they've been lying to him about.
Don't have to hear it from anyone but economists and I was hearing that back when you were probably sucking your thumb. Eyes don't lie. Have been through some of those areas numerous times over the last 20 years and the sheer amount of new business was amazing. Of course y'all want to characterize businessmen as greedy but it's a common practice to grow companies to grow wealth.


Well-Known Member
The country was shut down last summer.
I was in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakota's, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas from early July until early March this year. Know what I saw. A lot of business built in Trump's first three years.
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Well-Known Member
I was in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakota's, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas from early July until early March this year. Know what I saw. A lot of business built in Trump's first three years.
You didn’t go more than 5 miles off the interstate unless it was for a delivery.


Well-Known Member
So do I, and I find your assertion that the entire country was shut down all summer to be ridiculous.

I feel sorry for you lemmings who went along with your fascist Democrat authoritarian lockdowns.
I know facing reality is very difficult in this time. Look at the June July and August figures for 2020.

One more thing, my state is able to supply consistent power no matter what the weather conditions are.


Well-Known Member
You didn’t go more than 5 miles off the interstate unless it was for a delivery.
What in the world are you going on about? I was living in my car, not delivering anything. You see Timmy, in red states they still believe in capitalism, and economic growth. It's why so many are moving from blue states to red states.


Well-Known Member
I was there. We had the highest inflation in my lifetime and possibly the country's history under Carter. That spilled over into Reagan's first term. He got us out of it.
I was a kid in 1981, but you being there doesn't change that officially there wasn't a recession when Reagan was inaugurated and there was a recession months after he took office


Well-Known Member
I was a kid in 1981, but you being there doesn't change that officially there wasn't a recession when Reagan was inaugurated and there was a recession months after he took office

Apparently you think recessions are turned on with a switch. It takes time to build up to an official recession. It's what went on before that leads to conditions that harm the economy.


Well-Known Member
I am not discussing the causes of any of the recessions. My point is that every Republican president since Reagan has had a recession occur during their presidency that they didn't inherent from their predecessor, and that's an objective fact. And it's a fact that the objective economic record of the last three republican presidents(Bush Sr, GWBush, and trump) have been disastorous. That if economic growth mattered at all to republican voters, the objective track record of republican presidents is very bad and worse than Democratic presidents when looking at economic measurements.


What in the world are you going on about? I was living in my car, not delivering anything. You see Timmy, in red states they still believe in capitalism, and economic growth. It's why so many are moving from blue states to red states.
Is that why the poorest states are red States?🤣


Well-Known Member
I was in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakota's, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas from early July until early March this year. Know what I saw. A lot of business built in Trump's first three years.
There wer a lot of small businesses that went under when he screwed up the response to COVID, because he was making deals with the Chinese, and funneling relief money to his pals.

Have you paid your back taxes, or are you a fugitive planning on fleeing to Argentina?