Storming the Capitol


I'm a star


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Nah you're the sheep.

Pretty sure you are the sheep.

El Correcto

god is dead
You’d give up $20,000 a year to own the libs in retirement? Good luck living without all those powerhouse blue states.
Yes and not even to own the libs, keep what you have already stolen from me using the government and allow me not to pay into it anymore, allow me to opt out of that all together and my employer hand me the cash you are forcing them to pay.


Well-Known Member
I’m supposed to tip-toe around right-wingers because I don’t want to make them angry with sense and facts? Sounds like you’re describing petulant children.
I see a lot of opinion from you and you come across as your opinion is fact. You can state your position without being a jerk.