Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.
I see a lot of opinion from you and you come across as your opinion is fact. You can state your position without being a jerk.
I could do better, I agree.

The frustration I feel when a third of the country doesn’t see a problem with what happened on the 6th is something I have to manage when coming face to face with the deniers here and elsewhere.

The president was AWOL when his first job is to protect the country from attack. It’s insane to me that we’re giving him any :censored2:ing credit at all. How many hours went by before he told his idiot following to “go home”?

El Correcto

god is dead
I could do better, I agree.

The frustration I feel when a third of the country doesn’t see a problem with what happened on the 6th is something I have to manage when coming face to face with the deniers here and elsewhere.

The president was AWOL when his first job is to protect the country from attack. It’s insane to me that we’re giving him any *ing credit at all. How many hours went by before he told his idiot following to “go home”?
Wah wah a couple of hours of rioting compared to literally an entire summer of rioting.

The Driver

I drive.
Wah wah a couple of hours of rioting compared to literally an entire summer of rioting.
You are such an intellectually dishonest person. Simply replace these white Trump supporters on the 6th with black and brown people and you would've advocated gunning them down with helicopters.

The rioting over the summer was wrong but it wasn't a flagrant attack on a sitting Congress. Screw off, dude.

El Correcto

god is dead
Thank God a TV didn't get stolen at the Capitol. Better for them to have beat the * out of cops.
They were literally blocking the ER getting shot police officers into a hospital. Some black dude drilled these cops point blank nearly taking a woman’s face off.
Spare me your crocodile tears like police were not targeted. It’s why I think you Marxist people are just trolls. There is nothing factual about your complaints and everything you overlook to arrive at the conclusions is absurd.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead
You are such an intellectually dishonest person. Simply replace these white Trump supporters on the 6th with black and brown people and you would've advocated gunning them down with helicopters.

The rioting over the summer was wrong but it wasn't a flagrant attack on a sitting Congress. Screw off, dude.
I never once cried about Babbit or whatever her name is getting shot. I merely highlighted the absurdity of them not also shooting the black rioters down.
I fully advocate riots being put down with violence. Why do I pay taxes to fund police officers if I still run the risk of mob justice being dispensed in our streets, my property being torched?

The Driver

I drive.
They were literally blocking the ER getting shot police officers into a hospital. Some black dude drilled these cops point blank nearly taking a woman’s face off.
Spare me your crocodile tears like police were not targeted. It’s why I think you Marxist people are just trolls. There is nothing factual about your complaints and everything you overlook to arrive at the conclusions is absurd.
The violence and rioting over the summer were wrong. I've never supported it.

So, instead of distracting from the issue of the thread, do you want to talk about the riots on a sitting Congress now?

The Driver

I drive.
I never once cried about Babbit or whatever her name is getting shot. I merely highlighted the absurdity of them not also shooting the black rioters down.
I fully advocate riots being put down with violence. Why do I pay taxes to fund police officers if I still run the risk of mob justice being dispensed in our streets, my property being torched?
Black rioters weren't within striking distance of a sitting Congress, DUDE! Do you see the difference here? Are you that dense?

El Correcto

god is dead
The violence and rioting over the summer was wrong. I've never supported it.

So, instead of distracting from the issue of the thread, do you want to talk about the riots on a sitting Congress now?
Not really, I said it was bad at the time, I’m glad you are now appropriately calling it a riot and not some grand scheme by trump to over throw the government.
Go back through the early pages of this thread. You won’t see me crying about them shooting that woman or condoning the riots. I just merely pointed out how absurd it is you leftists decry it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Timmothy McVeigh said he would of opted for a political assassination over his bombing of a federal building if he could take it back.

I much prefer politicians getting hit by loonies and terrorists than a bunch of innocent bystanders. I view your BLM riots as worse based on that logic.

The Driver

I drive.
Timmothy McVeigh said he would of opted for a political assassination over his bombing of a federal building if he could take it back.

I much prefer politicians getting hit by loonies and terrorists than a bunch of innocent bystanders. I view your BLM riots as worse based on that logic.
"My" riots? Screw off.

The Driver

I drive.
Okay, I said it was bad. What else do you want from me guy? To declare your burn loot and murder riots wonderful in comparison? I won’t do it son.
I want you to admit that Trump was derelict in his duty to protect the Constitution from all enemies. He sat around the Oval Office dining room watching this crap on TV and did NOTHING TO STOP IT IN THE MOMENT. He's a traitor. Period.

El Correcto

god is dead
"My" riots? Screw off.
You’re the one in here downplaying them and deflecting from months long riots that ended in billion+ dollars of damages to livelihoods during a “pandemic” no less, not even counting the human cost like the hundreds of officers injured during them and declaring a couple hours of rioting as worse because your precious DC centralized power was targeted.