Storming the Capitol

El Correcto

god is dead
I want you to admit that Trump was derelict in his duty to protect the Constitution from all enemies. He sat around the Oval Office dining room watching this crap on TV and did NOTHING TO STOP IT IN THE MOMENT. He's a traitor. Period.
Pelosi was the one turning down funding for extra security Trump offered.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You are such an intellectually dishonest person. Simply replace these white Trump supporters on the 6th with black and brown people and you would've advocated gunning them down with helicopters.

The rioting over the summer was wrong but it wasn't a flagrant attack on a sitting Congress. Screw off, dude.
If there’s a single group that this country would be better off without, that would be Congress. IMHO

The Driver

I drive.
If there’s a single group that this country would be better off without, that would be Congress. IMHO
Then get others to vote them out. Don't go to bat for maniacs that want to yank them out of their offices and assassinate them.

Or do. Whatever. Just know that you're un-American if you support this.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Then get others to vote them out. Don't go to bat for maniacs that want to yank them out of their offices and assassinate them.

Or do. Whatever. Just know that you're un-American if you support this.
I fully support the effort to protest, but would have advocated a sit-in rather than ANY violence. Civil protest is a cornerstone for influencing overbearing governance.

El Correcto

god is dead
Total mischaracterization and an attempt to skirt the issue.

Why did the president not try not immediately stop the carnage when his followers started breaking through barriers and beating up cops?
He called for peaceful protest while questioning the election integrity. Leftist run around all the time for literally years at a time declaring election hoaxes, Russian collusion, al gore Florida, voter suppression.

You people are just mad Trump did it, but the man did not call for violence. Donald Trump is very much tit for tat with you leftist scumbags, it’s why you hate him so much and I love the guy.

The Driver

I drive.
Trump fiddled while the Capitol was overran and our elected officials hid or ran in fear. No excuse for that. He could have stopped it immediately.

The question is why he didn’t make an attempt to stop it.

The only conclusion I can draw is that he wanted this kind of thing to occur. Mission accomplished.


Well-Known Member
I could do better, I agree.

The frustration I feel when a third of the country doesn’t see a problem with what happened on the 6th is something I have to manage when coming face to face with the deniers here and elsewhere.

The president was AWOL when his first job is to protect the country from attack. It’s insane to me that we’re giving him any *ing credit at all. How many hours went by before he told his idiot following to “go home”?
He did tell them to peacefully go to the Capitol to protest. Yes, it was the Capitol. But it leaves us scratching our heads when y'all act like Jan.6th was the worst thing since 9/11 while downplaying last summer's riots as no big deal. Much, much more death and destruction last summer and yet y'all seem to think a bunch of unarmed mostly out of shape middle aged men were within inches of taking over the government. I know there's a tendency to play things up for political effect but what I saw last summer looked a lot worse.


Well-Known Member
Total mischaracterization and an attempt to skirt the issue.

Why did the president not try not immediately stop the carnage when his followers started breaking through barriers and beating up cops?
Why did Pelosi repeatedly refuse after repeated warnings to put extra security around the Capitol? I think we know why. If it played out as hoped it could be used against Trump. I hope he does run again in '24, I hope he wins, and I hope he puts us back on the path of energy independence, secures our border, and tells China and it's liberal American sycophants to go :censored2: themselves.


They were literally blocking the ER getting shot police officers into a hospital. Some black dude drilled these cops point blank nearly taking a woman’s face off.
Spare me your crocodile tears like police were not targeted. It’s why I think you Marxist people are just trolls. There is nothing factual about your complaints and everything you overlook to arrive at the conclusions is absurd.
That was just a tourist asking for directions.🙃


Well-Known Member
Sure would be nice to have had an independent commission take a look at the facts. But your side stopped that. Now we will get an investigation that likely won’t be as politically neutral.
Pelosi kicked two Republicans off the "bipartisan" commission. So now we have what we have.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
He did tell them to peacefully go to the Capitol to protest. Yes, it was the Capitol. But it leaves us scratching our heads when y'all act like Jan.6th was the worst thing since 9/11 while downplaying last summer's riots as no big deal. Much, much more death and destruction last summer and yet y'all seem to think a bunch of unarmed mostly out of shape middle aged men were within inches of taking over the government. I know there's a tendency to play things up for political effect but what I saw last summer looked a lot worse.
trump and his militias instigated most of the violence last Summer. He was hoping to invoke the Insurrection Act and cancel the elections that he knew he couldn't win. Fortunately the Joint Chiefs would not go along with his plans.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Pelosi kicked two Republicans off the "bipartisan" commission. So now we have what we have.
